> Why are some parts of the northern hemisphere so cold?

Why are some parts of the northern hemisphere so cold?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
There has been record cold temperatures not only in the winter but the spring. I thought Earth was supposed to get warmer. What's happening?

The Pacific Decadal Oscillation is in a negative phase which causes parts of the Northern Pacific Oceans surface to be cooler which absorbs more heat. The Arctic Oscillation was also in a strong negative phase during late winter which causes more cold air from the Arctic to penetrate farther south, Winters will progressively get worse for the next 30 years.

Two explanations I have read about include solar and ocean currents.

While the current solar cycle 24 is at or near predicted maximum, it is a much less active cycle than the previous one. In fact, it may have already passed maximum and be heading for a minimum.

There are several aspects to ocean currents. First, the PDO shifted to a negative (or cold) phase early in the 21st century. This may or may not affect ENSO producing more El Ninas than El Ninos. Another ocean current to watch is the AMO. It is currently positive but expected to become negative any time now.

I honestly hope I am not correct about this but if the AMO turns and solar activity starts towards a minimum and climate sensitivity is not as high as estimated by the IPCC, I fear we could start heading into to long period of cold everywhere around the globe which would be way worse than a little warming.

"There has been record cold temperatures not only in the winter but the spring. I thought Earth was supposed to get warmer. What's happening?"

The liberals also claim that summer is warmer than winter, yet we have these record cold temperatures this week but did not have them the previous week--so it is getting colder as we move closer to summer.

So when Al Gore tells you his liberal liberalism that summer is hotter than winter, you tell him to go jump in a (frozen) lake, and that he cannot fool you!

The earth is slightly tilted. So all parts of earth dont get enough heat or sunlight. Hence, one part always will be away from such activity from sun which results in increase in coldness of that part. Thus, that part is northern hemispere of earth.

Some parts are warmer others are cool. You really have to grasp the meaning of global

It is getting warmer - 80% of the time. This is just not an average year. 4 out of 5 years are warmer.

Weather is chaotic. Just because average temperatures are increasing over the long term, that doesn't mean that it will always be unusually warm.

http://www.climatecentral.org/blogs/scie... is a lovely analogy for the climate vs weather problem.

Natural Climate Variability! Humans have had very little effect on the climate and climate scientists are baffled themselves. It's time to de-fund the IP CC with all of their failed predictions!

There has been record cold temperatures not only in the winter but the spring. I thought Earth was supposed to get warmer. What's happening?