> What is a green house effect?

What is a green house effect?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Please explain it in the easiest and most understandable way..

Light rays are emitted from the Sun. These rays are in the realm of the light spectrum, from infra-red to ultra-violet. Simply put, the wavelengths of light are very short and can pass through glass. This is very apparent, since you can see through glass. In the greenhouse, once these light rays pass through the glass virtually unrestricted, they strike the ground. Depending on the color of the ground a certain amount of that light will be converted to heat. Black, for instance, will absorb more light and transfer this energy into heat. White, on the other hand, will repel the light and hardly any light energy will be transformed into heat. Now the energy of heat is in longer wave lengths. These cannot pass through glass and are 'trapped' inside the greenhouse, thus keeping the heat inside the greenhouse.

That is the real greenhouse effect. Now, you have these modern day 'scientists' who try to equate the CO2 with the glass. On the face of it, it is very ridiculous. Glass of a greenhouse occupies 100% area of the trapping media, where as, CO2 occupies less than 1% of the atmosphere, and it is considered the trapping media. That is why they call it a 'greenhouse gas'.

The term 'greenhouse gas' is a relatively new term, invented more by PR people than real scientists, to conjure up confusion and thus fear among the common man. Logically and mathematically, this gas can only influence less than 1% of the greenhouse value. However, in practicality, we can see no correlation between CO2 levels, as the greenhouse gas theory insists, and Earth's temperature. Just the opposite, for over a decade the Earth's temperature has reduced, while at the same time the Earth's CO2 level has increased.

So when you ask a question about the 'greenhouse effect', it can cause some confusion. There is a proven beyond theory greenhouse effect that greenhouse operators have been using for centuries. Then there is the unprovable theory of CO2 greenhouse gas.

Okay, easiest and most understandable way? Here you go!

Green house effect is when gases (like carbon dioxide, water vapour, methane, etc..) get trapped in the atmosphere. This causes the sunlight to get stuck on the Earth's surface. Then, it leads to global warming.

Have you ever seen a greenhouse with plants in them? They have special glass which keeps sun light in there. Same thing except the glass is actually gases.

Here's a picture that will describe it a little more:


Hope i helped!

Well simply put the greenhouse effect is a combination of greenhouse gases which trap some of the heat from the Sun by forming a canopy over the Earth in the Troposphere, The greenhouse effect is what allows the planet to be livable by us.

The excess greenhouse gases CO2, methane, nitrous oxide and low level ozone, CFCs and others produced by humans are what causes global warming.

Basically... there's 2 kinds of light you need to know about for this. Visible light, which is the light you can see, and infrared light, which is basically heat. Really hot things, like the sun, give off visible light. But cooler things, like the Earth, only give off infrared light. You also need to know that light is energy, and when it hits things, it will heat them up.

Greenhouse gasses, like CO2, are clear to visible light, but interact with infrared light.

Visible light comes from the sun. It passes right through the greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. It hits the Earth, and is absorbed. Then, the Earth gives off infrared light. The infrared light goes up, but it can't pass through the atmosphere like the visible light did. Instead, it gets absorbed by the greenhouse gasses (and re-emitted and reabsorbed and so on), heating up the air.

The more greenhouse gasses there are, the more the infrared light the Earth gives off bounces around, heating up the planet, a little bit like putting on a thicker blanket.

Due to the build up of various gases , carbon dioxide ( C o 2 ) in particular in the strata sphere , causes the heat from the earth to get trapped and causes global warming , which is also known as green house effect.

It is just 2 words: Greenhouse Effect [1]

Earth is a gray body, which is similar to a black body http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_body

except the emissivity (the efficiency of emitting energy as light) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emissivity

is less than 100%. For Earth, the emissivity varies over time, but is about 60%. Also, the albedo (the amount of light energy reflected rather than absorbed) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albedo

is greater than the 0% that it would be for a true black body. For Earth the albedo is about 30%. The warmer a gray body gets the more light it produces. This is the principle of an incandescent light bulb. Thus, a gray body that is absorbing heat will heat up until it is sending out as much heat as it is absorbing. When this happens, it is called equilibrium, because everything is balanced, and input = output. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiative_e...

Gases in Earth's atmosphere absorb and radiate light also. However, they all absorb some colors, and not others. The color of light depends on its electromagnetic wavelength. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color#Spect...

Warmer objects (the sun) emit light with shorter wavelengths http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Solar_...

than cooler objects (the earth). Sunlight is mostly visible, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visible_spe...

but Earthlight is in the infrared (less than red) spectrum, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infrared

and thus, humans cannot see it unaided. If a gas does not absorb much visible light, but a lot of infrared light, it will allow sunlight to pass to Earth, but catch the infrared light as it tries to leave, hold on to it awhile as heat energy, and release it in some random direction, usually, but not always at the same wavelength (color). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Atmosp...

If there is enough gas that virtually all the light in a spectral band is captured, then, the gas has to convert the light to other colors before it can escape. Once a particle of light (known as a photon) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photon

get converted to other colors that are not being blocked, it can escape to outer space unmolested. Meanwhile, the greenhouse gas slowed down the process of radiating energy off to outer space, so Earth has to heat up enough that she increases her radiation rate enough to equal the incoming radiation from the sun. Thus, gases that absorb infrared light, but not visible light are called greenhouse gases and together, are responsible for heating Earth somewhere between 14 and 33 Kelvins (25F to 59F or 14C to 33C). [1] Most of this is done by the main greenhouse gas; water vapor (H2O).

Once there is enough of a greenhouse gas (like CO2) that all of the infrared light it is blocking gets converted to another color before leaving the troposphere (lower atmosphere), [2] adding more of the gas will no longer have any warming effect. [3] This is called saturation. Sometimes a greenhouse gas absorbs just a little light in the visible spectrum (2 microns=red for CO2), and when their greenhouse effect becomes saturated (15 microns for CO2), it still has a weak anti-greenhouse effect (causes cooling) in the still unsaturated visible spectrum. [4]

Edit @goofball: "CO2 in particular"

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) has only a minor greenhouse effect compared to water vapor (H2O) regardless of how you measure it (per molecule, overall, for additional molecules added to the atmosphere ...) Check out the spectrum and see for yourself. [3]

greenhouse effect hmm

well u must have gone to a nursery(not school one it is a place where plants are kept) there is a green house where plants are kept.the sun rays react on the plants and greenhouse trap the rays and dont let it go back so plants can grow well especially in cold places.it is like global warming like plants same is with earth harmful gases and hot sun rays are trapped in earth and dont do to outer space

The trapping of the sun's warmth in a planet's lower atmosphere due to the greater transparency of the atmosphere to visible radiation.

Causes of greenhouse effect due to increase in Co2(Carbondioxide) and Co(Carbon monoxide) in earth atmosphere by excess use of fossil fuels(diesel, petrol, oil), Cutting of trees, etc

increasing earth's temperature day by day by the effect of sun's solar radiation is called a green house effect.

It is true that CO2 has a small absorption spectrumj when related to water vapour. however to state that water vapour, per molecule, has a larger effect than CO2 is false. Different vibrational modes of various molecule have different absorption frequencies. This is because atmospheric water vapour rains out in a couple of days while a single molecule of CO2 can exist in the atmosphere for 5 years or so and to have that excess amount of CO2 removed from the atmosphere by by one of the carbon sinks takes a century or so.

CO2 has an electric dipole moment in a couple vibrational modes. This is why CO2 is a greenhouse gas, which is a gas in the atmosphere that absorbs and re-radiates radiation within the Earth's blackbody emission spectrum.


"Carbon dioxide doesn't have a molecular dipole in its ground state. However, some CO2 vibrations produce a structure with a molecular dipole. Because of this, CO2 strongly absorbs infrared radiation."

It has been shown that different modes of vibration of CO2 have absorption frequencies within this spectrum. The bending vibration is the most important vibrational mode of CO2 as it relates to the greenhouse effect because this vibration is excited by infrared radiation at a frequency of 667 cycles per centimeter or 667cm^-1, roughly equal to a wavelength of 15 micrometers. As we know the troposphere, or lower portion of the atmosphere, warms from the bottom up, not the top down. This is because that to create heat energy from the Sun solar energy must first be converted into heat energy which occurs after that solar energy is absorbed and re-emitted by the surface of the Earth. Increasing the amount of heat energy within the atmosphere increases the amount of heat in that atmosphere causing warming. Greenhouse gases are able to keep more of this heat energy within the atmosphere for longer periods of time. We can see the effect an increasing concentration of CO2 has in the atmosphere by looking at measurements of outbound radiation and how they correspond to measurements of inbound radiation.

Outbound longwave radiation - http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/pdf/10.1...

Page 3987: Graphs depicting measurements of outbound radiation at specific wavelengths. The left side of the graph shows the measurements that are attributed to one half of the band associated with CO2 absorption.

Page 3990. Graphs depicting changes in outbound radiation between the three data sets and their statistical significance.

Downward longwave radiation - http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2009/20...

"We found that daily L d increased at an average rate of 2.2 W m?2 per decade from 1973 to 2008. The rising trend results from increases in air temperature, atmospheric water vapor, and CO2 concentration."

Changes in climate are usually restricted to periods longer than 30 years to weed out any noise such as the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation. These are changes in air pressure or ocean current that redistribute that heat energy to another part of the system. As we can only reliably measure some parts of the system we need to look at the energy balance of the planet to get full view of how much excess heat energy is being stored. The oscillation responsible for the low rate of warming of the past decade are the PDO, the AMO and the ENSO.

Please explain it in the easiest and most understandable way..

Whatever it exactly is, it does not depend on who occupies the White House.

we are effect to green house.because out side is green from home.so we are effect in eye.

not only that, we are also mentally effect. because we have to white,pink , blow collar house.

not only that, we are haddock for see green collar . I thing that,if house is the white and blow collar, we doesn't have effect. but out side must to be green. because we need green collar for eye.Green collar is vitamins our eye.but we didn't to be green collar house.so we must effect in our mind to green collar

house. we are need peace-full place.so i thing, we are many effect to green house.

due to increase of various gases like cfc carbonmonoxide