> What country do you blame for global warming?

What country do you blame for global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
There is no use of blaming to other countries for Global Warming, because all the countries have contributed for it.The difference is the amount of contribution for this is high in some developed countries. the best thing is we all have to contribute to minimize this disaster from earth.

Global warming does not exist, politicians do.

1.) The globe is so huge, you can spend all the money money on earth, still not enough to protect the earth.

2.) The globe is not man-made structure that you can predict and calculate its life to exist.

3.) It does not matter which country releases more C02, once it is on the air, it will circulate around the globe, it does not stay in one spot, you can use your smart common sense to figure it out. No country has to be blamed. It is a natural cyclic phenomenon that the earth has to follow billions of years ago.

Middle East

All world leaders are in on this hoax. (Well, maybe Russia and China are not exactly on board.) It is their way of controlling us peons.

Quote by Ottmar Edenhoffer, high level UN-IPCC official: "We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy...Basically it's a big mistake to discuss climate policy separately from the major themes of globalization...One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore."

If there is any main entity, it would be the UN.

We live in a globalized society & every industrial country contributes to global warming. The blame lies on the shoulders of huge corporations not places of nationality.


Cox'S Bazar, Bangladesh...

The UN and the IPCC are totally to blame. Without them we would not know that there was any change. Try to see 0.8 c on a household thermometer, it is difficult. We have always had a variable climate and we still have.

No country is to blame, in fact I don't think there really is such a thing as Global Warming. Politicians in bed with the Illuminati have concocted the story to put folks in fear because it helps them to put up the price of gas etc. They can also glean lots of money from folks they penalize for putting out too much carbon dioxide emissions.

They are in charge so nobody can really argue with them

Primarily the developed nations like the US and Europe. Now the developing nations of China and India are also high emitters. Thankfully, many countries are now working together to solve this problem, even the US and China. For more info, see citizensclimatelobby.org.

Not country, but Alien invader, because When my Global Teams examined the enity that was creating Global Warming. They came up with ALIEN Organism and I said we turned it off, not destroyed it, so its quite possible that the Aliens moved it to another location and is activated now. Mike

I can say that is Indonesia because even kids in that country used to be chain smokers and smoke like anything and China should be appreciated because it discourage global warming by using bicycles,and they use motor vehicles less


Industrail countries

I do not blame any country for the global warming, I think it is everybody's fault.

I suspect that the sun is to blame. If our high standard of living has pushed the CO2 content of the Earth's atmosphere from 350 parts per million to 400, that makes our civilization's contribution to be 0.005%.

Whichever one has the most active volcanoes. A single eruption can negate every effort that we have made to reduce green house gases since our efforts actually started. We can't beat nature and her spewing from volcanoes.

I don't blame a country. I blame the sun and solar cycles. The same reason Mars had global warming. I say had because both Mars and the Earth are on a cooling trend which is why the icecaps are larger than they have been in years.

Cox'S Bazar, Bangladesh.

The sun, which emits more energy in one second than the totality of all of mankind throughout history. The fact is that the temperature is going up on all the planets in the solar system, without SUV's, and is caused by the weather on the surface of the sun. Manmade global warming is political scam, cleverly disguised to make people willing give up their freedom and allow the government to gain more power and control. Look at how every problem is so dire and drastic that we have to let government take care of it. That is how other countries are ran not our. We were created to get away from that sort of thing, because government cannot govern itself.

Blame the world dude we all have people smoking and pollution from company's so it's all of us.


currently, I would say CHINA



USA, UK, China, India, and Japan are said to be the leading countries on carbon emission.

America And other developed country.

All country contribute in pollution.


Rich countries are to blame for climate change and should take the lead in forging a global climate pact by 2015, a deadline that, the head of the United Nations said Wednesday.

no such things is just natures itself changes and the world is resilient cures its own problem...so quit messing and enjoy natures.

Western lifestyle is biggest reason and blame of global warming! And with western, i mean countries in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and USA. And when other areas and countries wants to have samekind and same level of life are doing same mistakes, unfortunately.