> What are the long term effects of climate change?

What are the long term effects of climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
After man has exhausted fossil fuel supplies over the next 200 years, dumping of CO2 into the atmosphere will finally taper off. With business-as-usual this will probably be at levels of between 700 and 800 ppm with average world temperatures dramatically higher. Once man has halted dumping CO2, natural processes will be all that is left, so chemical weathering where CO2 is converted to carbonate rock will be able to become the dominant effect which will result in a slow decease in CO2 over time. Over a time span of 50 to 100 thousand years, CO2 levels will come back down to where the were before man started mining fossil fuels with the result that "global warming" will be over. No guesses on where man will be though.

Climates have always changed. The consequence was a changing climate. Depending on the preferences of the organism or person, it sometimes changes for the better and sometimes for the worse. The long term effects of change related to our emissions of CO2 is unknown. Those pretending to know, i.e. the first two answerers, obviously don't know either. They just find a list in their handy left-wing blog and regurgitate it as if it is science and fact and they pat themselves on the back and pretend to be informed on the issue.

More heat waves

Increased desertification

severe drought

more flooding

more coastal storms

life threatening water shortages

crop loss

want more google climate change impact

Loss of farmable lands,

More severe weather.

Increased cost of living to accommodate the change.

Need for change of wardrobe.

Have a look at these, and decide which is preferable.

