> What are the cause of global air pollution?

What are the cause of global air pollution?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
There are many different chemical substances that contribute to air pollution. These chemicals come from a variety of sources.

Among the many types of air pollutants are nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxides, and organic compounds that can evaporate and enter the atmosphere.

Air pollutants have sources that are both natural and human. Now, humans contribute substantially more to the air pollution problem.

Forest fires, volcanic eruptions, wind erosion, pollen dispersal, evaporation of organic compounds, and natural radioactivity are all among the natural causes of air pollution.

Usually, natural air pollution does not occur in abundance in particular locations. The pollution is spread around throughout the world, and as a result, poses little threat to the health of people and ecosystems.

Though some pollution comes from these natural sources, most pollution is the result of human activity. The biggest causes are the operation of fossil fuel-burning power plants and automobiles that combust fuel. Combined, these two sources are responsible for about 90% of all air pollution in the United States.

Some cities suffer severely because of heavy industrial use of chemicals that cause air pollution. Places like Mexico City and Sao Paulo have some of the most deadly pollution levels in the world.

There is natural air pollution (3), anthropogenic air pollution (2), and air pollution that is natural, but made much worse thanks to human activity (1). Some of the deadliest forms of air pollution are done intentionally (4). Some of the most dramatic causes of air pollution are entirely natural (5). Storms can put a lot of nasty stuff in the air that should not be there (6).

Pollen is normally a nasty air pollutant, but it poses a whole new set of problems when genetically modified (7).

There are many types of chemical substances like nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxides, etc that contribute to air pollution. Both nature and human are the sources of air pollutants. Volcanic eruptions, Forest fires, pollen dispersal, wind erosion, natural radioactivity and evaporation of organic compounds, are all among the natural causes of air pollution. Burning fossil fuels, heavy industrial use of chemicals, etc are the human causes of air pollution.

Cars are the main reasons not throwing garbage isn't the biggest but its a good factor...

Cars release Nitro-Oxygen a bad chemical scientifically written as NOx and usually you can see it during the hot summer days.

During a nice summer day when its busy with traffic CARS are releasing NOx (gas) and when the sun heats it up, together all those thousands of cars gases go in the air causing bad air and unhealthy air known as "SMOG" which is common in lots of North American cities mostly in Mexico City and Los Angeles but it can happen everywhere stretching all the way to Montreal area.

Global air pollution also comes from all those industries/factories releasing a lot of toxic gases into the air.

One good city example is probably Hamilton in Ontario or Sarnia as well in Ontario (both NA cities) But those are just examples since Sarnia tops for one of the worst air quality in North America with its heavy industry polluting toxic into the air.

Not recycling.throwing rubbish around.

Cars that produce carbon monoxide

Waste food