> Does anyone support global warming?

Does anyone support global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I don't just mean support the idea, but actually want to world to get hotter and want the ice capes to melt? It will be good for my tan

What is it that makes you think that Global Warming is catastrophic? We are still well within normal climate variability. It seems that Global Alarmists have fooled many by not revealing that CO2 is (1) a "trace gas" (2) a very important part of the life-cycle and absolutely necessary to sustain life. We are still within the temperature variations of the past 1200 years (MWP was just as warm if not warmer), as a matter of fact, we are still well within temperature variations of the past 50,000 years.

Science has a hard time understanding why temperatures aren't drastically going up since CO2 has gone up 40% and is a strong greenhouse gas. The answer may lie in life itself. We know from satellite measurements that biomass has increased by 11% in many places all over the world since 1980. That's a lot of CO2 energy being sucked in and used by the planet. Let's also understand that populations of many warm-blooded animals has increased in the past 40 years. Human populations have increased 60% since 1970 (5 billion to almost 8 billion). It takes a lot of energy consumption to maintain a 98.6F body temperature for 80 years.

I don't think warming is a problem because I haven't really noticed much of a difference in temperature fluctuations over the past 50 years besides what alarmist science tells me. Winter is still winter and eventually summer comes and goes away again. I will always support Global Warming in its real sense - The Planet warms during the day and then cools at night. Seasons change just as they always have. There is no extreme changes in the climate. Just changes in the weather patterns. The earth has been doing that for all of its life.

Additionally :

Water Cycles are the true tell-tale signs of this planet's climate. If you can understand that water volume is around 2 billion times that of humans (the math is easily calculated on that disparity), then you can understand how it is utterly impossible for humans to control it.


"Gaseous water represents a small but environmentally significant constituent of the atmosphere. The percentage water vapor in surface air varies from a trace in desert regions to about 4% over oceans.[13] Approximately 99.13% of it is contained in the troposphere. The condensation of water vapor to the liquid or ice phase is responsible for clouds, rain, snow, and other precipitation, all of which count among the most significant elements of what we experience as weather. Less obviously, the latent heat of vaporization, which is released to the atmosphere whenever condensation occurs, is one of the most important terms in the atmospheric energy budget on both local and global scales. For example, latent heat release in atmospheric convection is directly responsible for powering destructive storms such as tropical cyclones and severe thunderstorms. Water vapor is also the most potent greenhouse gas owing to the presence of the hydroxyl bond which strongly absorbs in the infra-red region of the light spectrum.

Because the water vapor content of the atmosphere will increase in response to warmer temperatures, there is a water vapor feedback which is expected to amplify the climate warming effect due to increased carbon dioxide alone. It is less clear how cloudiness would respond to a warming climate; depending on the nature of the response, clouds could either further amplify or partly mitigate warming from long-lived greenhouse gases."

Additionally 2 :

Water vapor and clouds is the "unknown" to climate science when it comes to changing climate patterns. Warmer temperatures "do" increase water vapor and eventually more cloud formation and we do know that clouds are a "negative feedback" when it comes to amplifying temperatures because it reflects solar radiation back towards space.

My grape crop had most of it's leaves eaten off this year because of bugs that were only present 400 miles (700 km?) south of here when my father was a kid. We are getting ticks with deadly diseases they didn't have when I was a kid. The weather is so warm now that ticks are living through the winter instead of mostly dieing off- not safe to walk in fields anymore. I could go on about the negative problems with a warming climate but I suspect you don't really care.

some deniers do saying what's wrong with a warmer world?

if all the ice melts, the sea levels will be over 200 feet higher. This will take centuries, but do we really want to build walls around major cities on coast lines?

if Texas droughts and California fires are any indication now with only a 0.8 global temp rise, what do you think can happen with a 3C rise?

Get a good tan, but don't bother the skin cancer doctors later.

A fine example of not understanding the science, Not sure people who currently live at the edges of deserts want a warmer world. Now in fact do people who live in houses built on permafrost, houses in Siberia are already starting to sink. If the ice caps melt (but it would take a long time) many of our largest cities would be under water. A rise of a few meters is possible by just the end of the century. In the longer term several more meters would have profound effects on cities, towns and suburbs around the world.

As for your tan, not sure how a warmer climate helps with that, U.V causes tans, not warmth, some of the worst sunburns I've ever seen happened in Antarctica, the coldest place on Earth, the almost blackened faces of the old Antarctic explorers and and 'snow blindness' are caused by U.V. it's one of many things covered in the safety courses you do before going there (with the Australian Antarctic program) technical name - Photokeratitis

While U.V. is bad for your eyes at the beat of times, on snow you get a double dose, with reflection off the snow, these days (with OH&S) part of our clothing kit includes a pair of high U.V. protection sunglasses.

There's a difference between a little bit of global warming and ice caps melting. It is too cold in Antarctica for the ice to melt there. Instead we are going to end up with more ice because of all the warmer water evaporating and falling on the continent. Sea level rises because of thermal expansion of water, not melting of ice. This is another example of scientists trying to scare people.

If all the ice melts on the planet, ocean levels would rise so high, that every beach on the planet would disappear...so no more lying on the beach to get your precious tan. And say goodbye to hundreds of islands around the globe, along with millions of acres of prime living space in the U.S. , and abroad.

Yes, and here is the short list - http://swatmountainjustice.wordpress.com...

no i don't support it.it's too hot now if it increase then i think we will be like fried

I hate winter. Yes. I support global warming.


I don't just mean support the idea, but actually want to world to get hotter and want the ice capes to melt? It will be good for my tan

Believing in global warming is one thing, Wanting global warming is downright butt ****ing ignorant

No such thing as global warming