> They were hiding the Benefits?

They were hiding the Benefits?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I don't know. With all that filth in Washington, it might make the Exxon Valdez spill pale by comparison. I'm not sure the ocean would recover.

But the good news: What if you're a Chesapeake Bay fisherman? Would that create a much greater area for you to fish? There would, of course, be some pollution caused by the likely oil dumping around the edges of the bay, but that should wash out over time and provide lots more marshes for spawning.

Getting rid of all that pesky "science stuff" in the National Museum would just be a fringe benefit.

Don't worry, the politicians have a plan. They will station shock troops from the USDA armed with submachine guns and body armor to keep the advancing water at bay. That is, if they are not busy shaking down the Amish for selling raw milk.

The negative effects greatly outweigh the benefits. We can't eat dry sand. Humans evolved top our current form in a 200-250 ppm CO2 environment, and the climate that created.

Definitely a fit dessert for republicans who refuse to accept AGW and hinder progress towards reducing our carbon footprint I guess it's difficult for republicans to focus on the reality of AGW while still struggling with the idea that the earth is round

When the cheaper exploitable frack-stuff is gone, and prices go back up, you can heat your house by burning the Constitution, and celebrate the end of all those Marxist Greenie inalienable rights and protections.

We really have no say in co2 levels, these are determined by temperature, which in turn is determined by the Sun.

100% of people who are paid because of the pretend global warming problem will always say that there is a problem. Would you tell your boss that you weren't needed ?

Other than the fact that warming causes ice to melt, most of the effects of global warming, good or bad, are speculative. And for someone in Minnesota to drive an SUV or to have accidents in their pants whenever the toilets back up at nuclear power plants sounds like playing God to me. Why doesn't that person just move to Texas where he/she could use renewable power to his/her heart's content and still enjoy hot weather.

There is good old fashioned skepticism. Why is it OK to question whether global warming is harmful, or that it's caused by carbon dioxide, or that Earth is even warming, and yet, to question the supposed benefits of AGW is taboo?

LOL, If we can get rid of that many politicians in one foul swoop it will certainly be worth any negative consequences.

Got to love when the scare-mongering unintentionally brings you comfort.

LOL! More room for fish to roam! (Pegminer, Gringo, Climate Realist, Chem Flunky, Gary F, linlyons, and even the Dorkster)

They can take the hook, line, and sinker to more adventurous places too!

Friday FUNNY.

I saw this and realized that there were hidden benefits to out of control AGW. Why didn't they tell us this earlier? !?!?!?

Is it a conspiracy to stop of from seeking positive outcomes?

I would have fought hard and done everything possible to accelerate it!!!!


Oh no, AGW cultists possibly could not be exaggerating their claims.