> Should human beings be made extinct to save the planet?

Should human beings be made extinct to save the planet?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I don't see how eliminating humans is the right thing to do.The only reason people are trying to save the environment is for themselves not the planet. They don't want climate change to destroy us. As for sterilization that's just plain foolish. Yay we're all dead that way we get to see how much the earth we love so dearly can prosper without us on it?


But some people think so. They are the members of The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement.

No our mission is to develop space travel, move on to other planets /stars and save/destroy them too, and spread the human seed across the universe.

Wrong category of Yahoo Answers. Try mental health.

Well, people commit SUICIDE for the way humans are literally destroying the planet. People will not change. As times went on, people got more ignorant and more ungrateful. Most people would say, "No, you psycho," to your question. I would say, "Yes"

Save the planet, for who?

Too late, I have procreated.

Only if you sacrifice yourself first for the cause. Then the rest of us will think about it.

I'm glad that I don't live in your world!

I think that you may need more help than you may be able to find on this forum!

Humanity is doing a very good job by itself.Might take some time though.

The whole save the planet movement seems rather pointless. Human beings are reason why we need to save the planet in the first place. It's all human made problems.

It's human nature to expand and consume resources and destroy the surroundings in the process.

If we in this generation try save the planet, what's to say our descendants will carry this on and not revert back to our natural tendency to consume and destroy? We're the root cause. Our nature is the root cause. So how can the cause be part of the cure?

The only real long term cure is to remove the cause. That's us humans. We've had our time and now it's time to say goodbye and let the planet live.

When the planet dies, we die anyway. What's better, both humans and the planet dying or just humans?

I'm not suggesting mass suicide. Just mass sterilisation. Anyone alive now can just live out their life. And we can all go out in a huge orgy.

The Universe and each planet has been saved from the incoming object. I received picture's from The Hubble Telescope That Haley's Comet had collided right after we turned off Global Warming, confirmed by our Satelite reports 11/28/2012. Haley's Comet collided with the incoming object The Scout ALIENs are waiting for. I saw from the picture's 10 large chunks drifting in other directions away from our Universe. In otherwards the BIG BANG happened and all our planets are safe and according to our Government. There wont be any funding for Climate Change. The only big problem I see is FRACKING that changes the setiments inside our planet, like collapsing water tunnels that most cities, county's and states need. Stop the Fracking. We the people on earth only need to get with our people on each continent and stop the stupid bickering and return to living in peace. Have a nice day. Mike

No we don't need to eradicate our existence, humans have for a very long time live part of nature then a group of humans advanced destroying the world.

It's greed that is getting in the way and humans turning into accepting zombies.

No we should not kill ourselves to save the planet.... if we think about it practically it is because of the factories and cars and all the other technology the earth is getting warmer if we stop using them and leave them then earth will be saved however we need the prime minister to listen to us or we find a new way to build houses (instead of chopping down the trees) and find a new way to travel and not vehicles that produce CO,CO2 so that will take 1000 years to create and we wont need to worry about AGW :)

This is a common misconception. Life on earth, has survived several asteroid impacts, mantle plume eruptions, at least one gamma ray burst (statistically), eradication by a nearby supernova (again, statistically), the entire Earth's surface being covered by ice at least 4 times, one or two comet impacts (much worse than asteroid impacts), and the sun's extremely turbulent youth. There are very few things humans could do that would actually wipe out life on Earth, short of blowing it up. We will however, if we don't stop pumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, kill ourselves. Humans evolved in the late ice age, and that is the climate we're best in. "Save the Earth" just sounds better than "save yourselves."

I don't think that we should kill ourselves, *we* are part of what we're trying to save the planet *for*.

We will go extinct. That's inevitable. The average lifespan of a species on this planet is 5-10 million years. And bacteria will be around long after we've gone the way of the dodo.

It would be a whole lot more beneficial to save the planet from stupidity.

yup, only the bad humans tho

No, Republicans should be.