> North American sept snow cover the highest on record, is this because of global warming?

North American sept snow cover the highest on record, is this because of global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Listen to linlyons - If it's cold and snowing, that's weather, if it's warm, that's because man is destroying the planet!!!

Since climate is the statistics of weather, the question is nonsense and too stupid to come from a skeptic.


Dr. Jello ---

>>Listen to linlyons - If it's cold and snowing, that's weather, if it's warm, that's because man is destroying the planet!!!<<

Listen to you, "I can't read, I don't know anything about anything, and I'm a pathological liar."


Sagebrush --

>>You will catch on some day that you have been had.<<

At least that means he has the ability to learn. Just because you cannot learn that you've been had does not mean that haven't been.

Oh yes! Everything is because of GW.

Quote by Steven Guilbeault, Canadian environmental journalist and Greenpeace member: "Global warming can mean colder, it can mean drier, it can mean wetter."

So you can see that with the greenies, anything goes, and anything weather condition or pattern can be deemed GW. Isn't this a wonderful world for the greenies? They can turn any event into a crises and scare people with it. Never let a crises go to waste. And if there isn't a crises, manufacture one.

Quote by Sir John Houghton, pompous lead editor of first three IPCC reports: “If we want a good environmental policy in the future we’ll have to have a disaster.”

And for CR: You sure are a slow thinker. That icon that you sport has been proven to be a fraud a long time ago. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! You will catch on some day that you have been had.

And yet this may end up being the warmest year on record. If not, it will be very close.

It just goes to show that the North American snow cover anomaly may not be as good a temperature indicator as temperature itself is.

Professional climatologists will responsibly say that it's hard to say with certainty. But they're lying. It is because of global warming.

It's weather.

IT'S weather.


Oh never mind, I'll go teach my dog some calculus.

There's equal chance of learning,

Ever hear of weather.

For a Filipino, you sure talk a lot about US weather.

global warming is a lie
