> Is there any way to practically stop Global Warming?

Is there any way to practically stop Global Warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
2. Does it really work???

3. Is there any good side when it comes to Global Warming???

1. Yes, though it is a non-trivial problem. We need to switch to energy sources other than fossil fuels--biomass, solar, wind, nuclear, geothermal, hydroelectric, and possibly others I haven't thought of. We also need to make more efficient use of the energy we get regardless of the source (every energy source causes at least some actual or potential environmental damage, some just cause less than others). We also might want to look into the less potentially destructive forms of geoengineering, such as increasing algal growth in the oceans, though any such project should be studied first to make sure it's likely to do more good than harm.

2. Yes.

3. There will be winners and losers regardless of *what* we do to the climate. Warmer would be better for some people and some plants, animals, and other living things. So would colder. But, in general, stability is best for most things. Temperatures about like those of 10, 50, and 100 years ago are generally better for most living things than radically different temperatures, higher *or* lower. Most things are living in the temperatures they do best in, and changing temperatures would mean that they would have to move. Our ports, highways, farming areas, and so forth are set up for the current climate, and change would render at least some of those things useless and would mean that we would need to set up new systems. And so on.

Not right now, but I don't think that's a problem. The most severe effects of global warming are predicted to take place more than a hundred years from now, which is kind of silly because you cannot extrapolate any trend for that length of time. Saying that the planet will consistently warm for the next 200 years is not a scientific prediction. Scientific predictions are testable, that is not.

So there is no practical way for us to control the weather, but controlling the weather will probably be a modest task 150 years from now. I mean do you think they predicted the internet in 1863? Or the moon landings? Hell they were only 100 years later. My point is all this worrying about future generations is a bit pointless, because their world will not be our world, any more than our world is like the world of the early 19th century. What you have here is an early 21st century mind, trying to solve a mid 22nd century problem, with 21st century resources.

In 150 years we're going to be terraforming Mars, but people seem to think we'll still be using gas in our cars. I'm not saying screw it let our great great great grandchildren deal with it, I'm saying they will have resources and technology that would seem like magic to us, the same way my Samsung Galaxy S4 would seem like magic to someone living when Origin of Species was published.

Global Warming was turned off in 2012. Mike

Is there any way to practically stop Global Warming? no

However dropping vast amounts of iron filings in the ocean will increase plant life and soak up vast amounts of CO2

1 There is no global warming temperatures have not risen for 17yrs.

2 It is impossible to stop CO2 emissions by carbon taxes or rules and regulations, unless the whole world agrees which will also never happen.

3 The only way to prevent increasing CO2 is to develop a cheap, efficient, easily obtainable source of energy (wind and solar are useless) geothermal and nuclear possible, but no-one is seriously researching into this.

4 global warming is much more preferable to global cooling, life thrives in warmer conditions.

5 CO2 is greening the planet and improving food crops.

6 If there really was global warming, the most sensible thing would be to learn to adapt to it (spend money adapting) rather than spend trillions of dollars that might just delay warming by a couple of months.

No, there's no practical way to stop global warming, unless you can develop an energy source which is cheaper, so that other countries will decide to use that energy source. Currently, the alternatives tend to be more expensive and require subsidies, mandates, or carbon taxes to be viable. Most of the carbon emissions are coming from countries outside of Europe and North America. China alone emits 25% of the world's total, and is increasing fast. According to the IPCC, an 80% reduction is required to stop global warming. 80%+25% is >100%. It's basic math. And that is just one country. India is another 5% and growing. You have less than 40% in Europe, Japan, South Korea, USA, Australia, and Canada.

There is a good side. Crop production is likely to increase with a moderate amount of global warming. Colder weather is worse than warmer weather.

Yes. Don't give any credence or money to the heathens who perpetuate the false theory known as a scam. It will go away.

Agree in principle with these other answers. You cannot stop something that doesn't exist (or something that does exist but is completely natural and not at all caused by anything humans are doing). For the past two decades the temperature has been lower than the decades preceding that. So for all the genx or geny groups who believe the fraud, your entire life proves the exact opposite of what you're being led to believe. It is imperative that you look outside what is being handed to you and discover truth. Then discover what the reason is that you're being led to believe these lies and expose the hidden agendas of those involved. It is an absolute atrocity. You are like lambs being led to slaughter, unaware of what is really going on around you.

practical is the problem. It will take some effort, perhaps like the Manhattan project or Apollo missions.

either way, CO2 concentration have to be reduced. That can only happen by not dumping into the atmosphere.

the good side is that maybe for once people will understand that we only have one planet.

Pay no attention to all these denialists.

Global warming is happening


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2011 and 2012.


And the solution is to use zero emission energy sources, such as solar, wind and nuclear power.


What makes you think it isn't scientifically testable. In 200 years people will know.

Scientifically testable =/= testable in a convenient timeline.

2. Does it really work???

3. Is there any good side when it comes to Global Warming???

A warm planet is preferable to a cold one. A warmer planet will support more life.

Sadly, it looks as if global warming has paused. Hopefully it is a pause and not a plateau ahead of a cooling phase.

Yes it stopped , it has been called winter for many years .and the best part of global warming is it means its summer . The Global Warmers are very bad people .

Nope --- because it never started, there has NEVER been any **man-made** Global Warming.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Since "Global Warming" is a criminal fraud and any change in the climate is 100% natural, no there is not

still there is no way

I would think it's "above our pay grade".