> Is there a high chance california is close to getting an eartquake?

Is there a high chance california is close to getting an eartquake?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
And how bad will it be?

That's a sure bet.

High chance, yes; how bad, no one can predict. But, California has *always* had a 'high' (whatever that means) chance of having an earthquake. In fact, if you look at the earthquake map at the usgs website here...


you will see that there have been multiple earthquakes in California just in the last 7 days.

That's normal for us. It happens all the time. Mostly, people don't even notice them.

However, if you look at the map again, you will see that the frequency and magnitude of quakes are both greater along the western edge of the pacific zone, i.e. Japan et al.

None of this is news.

Yes there is always a chance California is in an active area.

There is some interesting correlation between earthquakes happening when a solar cycle is halfway declined, that would be in 3 or 4 years time.

Can't predict natures fury and when it will strike. California is in a medium earthquake prone zone. Chances are it may not be severe.


Yes , when? nobody knows . they say if you have a lot of little ones that means the earth plates are sliding along without a problem . but if you live on a fault line that's building pressure it would be a big one when it breaks loose

California is an earthquake prone region.

No. There is absolutely no chance that California is close to getting an earthquake.


California has small quakes daily; as to a big one, that separates and/or sinks California, I HOPE SO!

An earthquake in California isn't 'likely', it's to be expected.


Right on tectonic plates, my guess is there's a big one coming

And how bad will it be?
