> Is global warming fear damaging our young?

Is global warming fear damaging our young?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Being the father or 3 children. I say yes. On the good side my children will be way ahead of many others because I have been able to stress and teach critical thinking for them for a while now. They have learned how to research their own questions and have learned to "question everything". They no longer just beleive what they are told by teachers or other authority figures.

In fact my preteen children have advanced far enough that they take great joy when they can either prove me wrong, sometime when I want them too to teach them and also times when I learn something I didn't know, or when they can teach me things.

So for children of parents who just accept what they are told, yes it is damaging them. But they were set up to be dmamged anyway. For those children of parents who push thier children to think and learn it is a great opportunity to advance themselve amongst their peers.

My children score in the 96th to 99th percentile on standardized tests for science (state and nation wide) so the critical thinking is helping.

Yes. It is making them mentally unstable. Here is an example of a question being answered right now.


Why would anyone be worried about whether I use a LED light or not? An idle mind is the devil's workshop. Have you ever seen such a generation of government dependent, non-thinking, self-serving, egotistical misfits in your life? These shrinking violets are not the pioneers that made this country great. Why even in football in the USA, which used to be a masculine sport, we have cry babies who are bullied and the players wear pink, for goodness sake. Can we survive these misfits? The Roman Empire couldn't.

There are insane people on this site who claim that I said that Winter is caused by the Earth's distance from the Sun. These people can't even comprehend the truth and they are twisting the minds of our young. They profess to be PhDs while they strut and show their ignorance to the unwary. Yes, young uneducated people are impressionable and led by the noses by these people, just like cattle are led to slaughter.

The PhD man mocks other people while showing total ignorance. He believes we came from a monkey, when the written record says otherwise. I guess when you have a PhD you automatically have a time machine and can go back to that instant.

Then he quotes a mentally challenged buddy of his, ""Growing up in anti-education, scientifically illiterate families is. " How does he know what our families were like? That just shows exactly to all how totally ignorant he is, to make a claim like that. Take for example, my father, he invented something that was beneficial to all civilization. Can the PhD claim the same? My children can claim the same about their father.

How about your children, Mr. PhD? Ha! Ha! There is nothing as ignorant as a man who doesn't know just how ignorant he is.

No, it isn't truly damaging them, as they can always look at the numbers and see that it isn't getting much warmer, unlike what was predicted. When I was in school, they would talk about cities underwater, and getting warmer by a degree per decade.

Then you explain that the policy means no big screen TV, and no SUV, and they'll be OK.

Yes, it damages some, but there will always be free thinkers. Using terror to suppress the masses is nothing new. Ancient (and modern) civilizations plundered neighboring (their own) civilizations and subdued them for taxes. Rebellion (skepticism) is a vital trait of free people.

It's among other things that should stay out of the classroom. I remember going to my son's teacher interview in his Grade 6 and there was a poster in the classroom which looked like it was right out of the teacher's union backroom bashing the then sitting government (due to nasty contract negotiations). The British have a good term for how I felt: gobsmacked.

I asked what message she thought she was sending 11 year olds or what they were learning. I can't remember how the rest of the conversation went but I did write a few letters and phone some people. From what I'm reading about education now, I'm really concerned about our future leaders.

I'm also reminded of the policy of some education system somewhere to stop keeping score in sports games so kids don't feel bad about losing. OMG. You can just picture the kind of parents who would support that. It's all typically hypocritical. They don't mind scaring them on adult issues but don't want them losing a stupid soccer game. It's nuts.


Edit@GaryF: "Growing up in anti-education"

Who's anti-education? Get a grip man.


Edit2@GaryF: Your Texas example is not "anti-education". You've picked out one definition they had related to education. However, their fundamental principle on education states: "7. Having an educated population, with parents having the freedom of choice for the education of their children." That doesn't sound "anti-education".

However, I am not an entirely daft person and I do realize that to you "anti-education" actually means a method of education that you do not agree with.

As a matter of fact just so you know, I would not vote for that platform as it goes against many of my liberal values. And I disagree strongly that critical thinking skills should not be taught.

No. Knowing the truth is healthy.

Not any where near as much as th GISS dataset irritates the hell out of AGW denialists. Perhaps it is because realists use logic and denailists use fear.

Oops! I almost forgot


I am going to have to agree with Gary, I applaud his acceptance that AGW has become more like a religious belief and is becoming less and less like science. Instead of education our children are being indoctrinated into believing the cost of prosperity is an apocalyptic future; which evil corporations, and children who don't ride bikes are responsible and as a price for their lack of faith should be blown to destroyed.

yes the fear and helplessness caused by the FACT of global warming, is probably damaging our young because NO ADULTS WILL SERIOUSLY ACT ON IT. Young people are scared of their imminent futures if no action is taken on climate change and for good reason! young people today and their children in the future will be at serious risk due to climate change if no action is taken.

They would be less scared if adults banded together to act on the problem rather than trying to hide it from them! Its the young people who will be affected by it, they should be scared! we can give them hope by doing something about it!! SO GO DO SOMETHING!

Growing up in anti-education, scientifically illiterate families is.


OM –

>>Edit@GaryF: "Growing up in anti-education" Who's anti-education? Get a grip man.<<

No ones says it like Texas (or as Steven Colbert refers to Texas, ”The Large Hadron Collider of denying science.”

From the 2012 Texas Republican Platform:

“Knowledge-Based Education – We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority.”


Maybe they will change the state motto to: Pro Stupid and Dammed Proud.

I agree with Gary F. It is up to the parents to teach their children science and not just blindly believe what alarmists tell them.


I'll repeat what Gary F. said, because it is absolutely correct:

"Growing up in anti-education, scientifically illiterate families is. "

Ottawa Mike says "Who's anti-education?"

Unfortunately, many people are. All he needs to do is look at answers by people like Sagebrush, who pretends that he and his buddies are "true scientists", while at the same time believing that winter is caused by the Earth being farther from the sun. Ottawa Mike himself fails to comprehend and understand much of what he reads, so why should we believe that he is pro-education? Kano has admitted that he'd rather read blogs than look at a textbook. Maxx believes in a young Earth--clearly he has rejected education.

When so many people don't understand science and make no attempt to educate themselves about it, why should we believe that they are pro-education? These people don't understand science and don't care to.

Ian says "It is up to the parents to teach their children science and not just blindly believe what alarmists tell them." Oh please, are you serious? Just who among your buddies in here would you want teaching science to ANYONE?

EDIT for Jeff Engr: If your children really did score well on science, that's great, perhaps you can learn something from them. However I worry because one of your recent questions was a blatant lie


So you easily be lying about their knowledge of science, or, if they inherited your propensity for dishonesty, they may have cheated on the exams.

EDIT for Sagebrush: You said "There are insane people on this site who claim that I said that Winter is caused by the Earth's distance from the Sun. "

You are correct, that's not exactly what you said, here is EXACTLY what you said:

"Distance from the sun makes changes in temperature. Change in latitude changes the distance of the Sun."


So I stand corrected--you were absolutely wrong about something slightly different. Of course it is implicit in your statement is that the Northern Hemisphere should be warmer in winter, when it is closer to the sun than it is in summer.

"Global warming is going to be the end of mankind don't you agree, if you don't then you only going to not know that your adding to the demise of mankind", says grown up.

"hi I'm 5...I eat my boogers", say child

Mmmmm, is teaching our young not to dance on cliff edges damaging them, or giving them a health respect for heights and the damage they can do to themselves if they fall.

We teach our young what is needed for a safe and healthy life, that would include what we have done to the planet, as much of the effect is going to fall on them no us, Where I work we have a public display and I quite often help with school groups, answering their questions on Antarctica and science and climate change, I find them engaged and well informed on the subject, out a a couple of thousand this year I'm yet to see any that quote denier nonsense and these kids vary in age and come from both public and private schools.

All your link to Watts seems to show is level he is starting to sink to.

I note the comment he lifted this from, he seems to have done a few based on extracts from comment lately, guess he's running out of things to post, but I note the comment that the Author made.

"It reminds me of how I worried about nuclear war years ago. Fear is damaging our young who should grow up with optimism and hope."

I find that a slightly strange comment, given that fear of a nuclear war is probably what stopped one happening, fear is a natural reaction, it's purpose is to keep us away from danger.

"Is global warming fear damaging our young?"

What I wonder will be deniers next sad tactic.

WWWT is not a credible source, BUT no it isn't don't be ridiculous. That is just another lame DA denier argument. What they need to be afraid of is all the misinformation, lies and non science BS spewed by the deniers

Your source would indicate not, but that their elder are irretrievably flawed

Try using a source with at least some credibility rather than the farce that's WUWT

Denial is damaging for everyone, particularly the young as they'll have to live later with the consequences of so much stupidity now.

The man-made Global Warming scam is not only wasting hundreds of Billions of dollars, and not only threatening our liberties --- it is also scaremongering our children for the GREEN warped political cause. Because kids are easy targets, Leftist exploit them for political gain. This is of course criminal child abuse by alarmists.

PSYCHIATRISTS: Climate Change Delusion

A 17-year-old man was referred to the inpatient psychiatric unit at Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne with an eight-month history of depressed mood . . . He also . . . had visions of apocalyptic events. The patient had also developed the belief that, due to climate change, his own water consumption could lead within days to the deaths of millions of people through exhaustion of water supplies.


Global Warming Game Tells Children They Should Die


Our public schools are engaging in child abuse. They are causing our children sleepless nights, dread and fear all to promote a heartless political agenda for money and power. http://hotair.com/archives/2007/10/26/vi...

Philippines: Museo Pambata to tap children for climate change campaign


NASA Teaches impending Doom to children - Targets ‘Climate Kids’ With New Global Warming Website http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2011/01/...

Children used and frightened by Global Warming hoax.


Seven-month-old baby survives shot to chest in parents' murder-suicide pact blamed on global warming http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/se...

Warmists are now encouraging young children to commit arson, burn people out of their houses http://rankexploits.com/musings/2013/cli...

Environmentalist Group BUND Releases Baby-Gassing Video

no, please quit using WUWT if you want to be taken seriously.