> Is "Al Gore is a liberal lunatic and a fat pig." what AGW deniers support?

Is "Al Gore is a liberal lunatic and a fat pig." what AGW deniers support?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
High school science exam answer by Sagebrush, Maxx, Cyclops, Ian or Flossie:

"Al Gore is fat, therefore two hundred Nobel Prize winners in science are socialists guilty of the greatest hoax ever perpetrated."


Yahoo Answers answer to a question by Sagebrush, Maxx, Cyclops, Ian or Flossie:

"Al Gore is fat, therefore two hundred Nobel Prize winners in science are socialists and guilty of the greatest hoax ever perpetrated."

RESULT: Best Answer!

Multiply by 35,000 such utterances here.

Multiply by Rush, Glenn, Fox

Add Wattsup, et al, Heartland, Koch Brothers funding, etc.

Multiply by Sarah Palin, Rick Perry, Ted Cruz, James Inhofe.

Willkommen in Deutschland, 1934.

Not at all. He is a smart and conniving politician. He used semi-scientific information combined with scare-mongering to set up a money-making scheme.

I don't believe he is liberal. He is the epitome of a capitalist. For all those that want to talk about all the good he is doing, you may want to look at his net value. Sure he is trying to help. I'm sure that is his motivation.

Personally, I want to set up a scam that generates hundreds of millions of dollars while having peole worship me like a god to the point of liberals coming out to defend my name. Sounds like fun.

Heck, he may even be smarter than Michael Jackson who molested children and still have people praising his name. MJ at least had musical talent, but Gore... WOW he was able to do this all with just his mind and lack of moral fortitude.

Beyond that, he managed to raise tobacco support global warming alarmism WHILE the AGW alarmists compare fossil fuel to the evil tobacco industry and never say a negative word about the the Algoracle, amazing creator of the internet getting his money from growing tobacco.

He is a genius.

But about your claim of insulting people for their rational fear of AGW. Is that sort of like insulting people for their rational belief that AGW is being exaggerated??? With 95% of the climate models overestimating AND the media taking every "study" and highlighting the worst-case scenarios and downplaying any uncertainty, how would this not be a rational belief???

Gary F,

I have read the defense of the Gore's internet statement. Personally I think it is crap. His name is on legislation that got passed because of support of Reagan and the first Bush, yet is credit given to Reagan or Bush by liberals?

His wording was crap. If Bush or Reagan would have uttered the same phrase, they would have had the media blasting them and you Gary F, would have blasted right along.

And lets look at the other VP, Dan "potatoe" Quayle. If I were in his shoes and had a card written "potatoe", I would not have questioned it. That is why I use spell checker at work.

Whereas I would have said "I supported/authored/whatever legislation that allowed the development and expansion of the internet." Why? Because I do have to know how to write resumes and CVs.


Just to put things right. AL GORE had nothing to do with searching, finding, running my experiments or turning off Global Warming. No politician, Government or military had anything to do with Global Warming and turning it off. I commanded Global Teams (civilians from all walks of life on earth and we all had a hand in turning off Global Warming. (civilian) Global Command of my Global Teams from all walks of life. Global Command

Other than the tiny percentage of the global population living in the US, the rest of the globe really doesn't care about Al Gore. We tend to listen to the climatologists ... you know? The people we train and educate for years to study such things.

jim z --

>>"During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet" <<

That is true - according to Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf who designed the core architecture and protocols for the internet.

You know that, but you still keep lying about it. It seems your zealous political beliefs actually prevent you from telling the truth about anything.


wilds_of_virginia --

I guess you are basing your opinion on your vast ignorance of science - as always.


raisin caine --

Yeah, right; it is called the "Gore Act" because it was Reagan's idea (which would be quite an accomplishment for someone who never had an original thought in their entire life).

Al Gore exploits for monetary gain and he doesn't always wear a pig suit while doing it so some people believe him.

I know you lefties like to come to the rescue of your comrades but let's look at the evidence for the lunatic part. The fat pig part is subjective and I wouldn't call him that since frankly I like pigs.

Let's judge Gore by his own words:

"During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet"

"A zebra does not change its spots." - Al Gore, attacking President George Bush in 1992.

"We can build a collective civic space large enough for all our separate identities, that we can be e pluribus unum -- out of one, many." The perfect leftist corruption of out of many, one.

Speaking at a D.C. function, Vice President Al Gore, wowed by the Bulls, said: "I tell you that Michael Jackson is unbelievable, isn't he. He's just unbelievable." Ohhh whoo

Back in 1994, Al Gore called Oliver North "the colonel of untruth" and said Mr. North was counting on political contributions from "the extra-chromosome right wing." OK well that one he had to grovel and apologize for.

In the spring 1998 - Gore called The Washington Post's executive editor to tip him off on an ''error'' in the paper. ''I decided I just had to call because you've printed a picture of the Earth upside down on the front page of the paper,'' Gore said.

Here is a Forest Gore moment:

"Throughout most of my life, I raised tobacco. I want you to know that with my own hands, all of my life, I put it in the plant beds and transferred it. I've hoed it. I've dug in it. I've sprayed it, I've chopped it, I've shredded it, spiked it, put it in the barn and stripped it and sold it.

I think this was his silliest quote:

"I think the cost of energy will come down when we make this transition to renewable energy."

Note: Very funny Gary F. I saw Pegminer come to Gore's defense too and it frankly baffles me because Gore could easily be thrown under some bus but I guess I should admire some loyalty to a fellow believer but I don't know he deserves it. I agree with Raisin. I too still need spell checker for potato (thank you spell checker) or tomatoe and believe it or not, I am not a bad speller (please don't bother checking, I am sure a quick check could find many mistakes). I took it easy on Gore and focused mostly on his funny misstatements such as the spotted zebras.

I had to laugh at Sagebrush's answer. Someone calls him a lunatic fat pig and he wouldn't call him a fat pig. OK, it was funny to me.

Ahh, the argument of last resort, face it, you lost your argument a long time ago.

I think that is a disgusting insult to pigs.


Joe: "Al Gore is a liberal lunatic and a fat pig."

He got 4 thumbs up.

Apparently it is what AGW deniers like to see.

Do you have even one instance of someone who was rationally concerned about global warming being as irrationally insulting about an AGW denier?

Keep in mind that saying that so-and-so doesn't understand, or lies about, the science doesn't qualify. Those can be completely true.

I would have gone with "big fat idiot myself." Most liberals are brain dead and at least a bit off their rockers. The characterization of "fat pig" is disrespectful to pigs.

Anonymity makes people into worse versions of themselves.

I wouldn't say that he is a fat pig.

After reading your answers thus far, I would say they have made your point perfectly.

oh you mean like chris christie?