> Is CLIMATE CHANGE the greatest HOAX of our time?

Is CLIMATE CHANGE the greatest HOAX of our time?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Absolutely! They even admit it.

Quote by Ottmar Edenhoffer, high level UN-IPCC official: "We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy...Basically it's a big mistake to discuss climate policy separately from the major themes of globalization...One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore."

Quote by Club of Rome: "In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill....All these dangers are caused by human intervention....and thus the “real enemy, then, is humanity itself....believe humanity requires a common motivation, namely a common adversary in order to realize world government. It does not matter if this common enemy is “a real one or….one invented for the purpose."

>> We can't even make it stop raining.<<

“Can’t even”? You make it sound like it should be simple.

You’re too stupid to know what qualifies as evidence. And, no one has ever said anything about stopping climate change – only is reducing our contribution to it.

>>The climate has been changing since the beginning of time. Why not just adapt and adjust to whatever comes our way? <<

Two profoundly ignorant statements: the fact that climate has always changed is irrelevant and adaptation comes with a price.

Did you actually complete any level of education?


Raisin Caine –

>> if I were to want to geoengineer the planet to increase plant life and overall make a healthier planet, it would involve warming the planet and adding CO2<<

The purpose of the study is to develop a scientific understanding to counter stupid ideas like yours.

>>But have some peopel "geoengineer" the planet, what could possibly go wrong.<<

You didn’t even read it, did you? If you had, you would have known that is the reason for the study – nitwit.


James --

>>The climate is nothing more than a straw man to coerce the public into adopting a new world order under the guise of sustainability. They are trying like hell to implement UN agenda 21. They failed in 2009 with the copenhagen climate convention so the AGW cultists have triple down on alarmism which is backfiring on htem.<<

You forgot to wear your tin-foil hat again today, huh?

There is no evidence for any of the gods [1], yet on average people in the U.S. gave US$734 per person to religion institutions in 2012 [2] Adding to the tax exemption of $25 billion per year in property taxes, while the cities still have costs. On top of that the U.S. government gives millions of tax money to faith based organisations. Now while I have no doubt that some of that money is put to good use, there is no excuse for pastors living in multimillion dollar homes.

And who can forget the religious extremist attack on the world trade centre, which did billions in damage [3] and cost the American tax payer trillions by invading Afghanistan and Iraq [4] Some of the billions of cash send over are still missing. [5] And who pays the costs of increased security at airports sea ports and borders?

Compared that to CO2, which is a proven greenhouse gas and the fact that we humans have increased the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere by 40% and I ask you if it is a hoax that this will cause the earth to retain more of the sun's energy....

Funny how AGW cultists believe a prophecy of things to come is evidence in of itself. Climate has changed and always will change. No proof whatsoever humanity has anything to do with global climate.

The climate is nothing more than a straw man to coerce the public into adopting a new world order under the guise of sustainability. They are trying like hell to implement UN agenda 21. They failed in 2009 with the copenhagen climate convention so the AGW cultists have triple down on alarmism which is backfiring on htem.

Greatest hoax of our time....

Let's see,,, "Hey all you black people, us Democrats have your best interests in mind." Let's see how blacks have fared under the first black president.

Ditto for unions protecting the rights of workers. How's that working out for you, Detroit?

Of course the AGW hoax is global in scope. I conceed the point.

What we can do is stop pumping massive amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere. This will drastically reduce global warming which is the main cause of current climate change. That way, your children and their children will get to live in a world that is not an economical and environmental wasteland.


Thanks for the link. If I thought it wasn't a hoax before, your link certainly makes me think it is one.

Got to love the geoengineering one. the funniest part of the entirety of this crap, is that if I were to want to geoengineer the planet to increase plant life and overall make a healthier planet, it would involve warming the planet and adding CO2. But have some peopel "geoengineer" the planet, what could possibly go wrong.

Raisin Caine

Great ad hom against the National Academy of Sciences.

They want to redistribute wealth thats all its about .

The Climate is Freddy Kruger or the thing .

Without doubt the greatest hoax of all time, they do not want to stop climate change, they could promote nuclear power or plant a billion trees, but no it is all about control and taxes

This story made national news again. They say we are all in trouble because of what is coming. And so we need to do SOMETHING about it now.

Question: What are we supposed to do?

Is there ANY real scientific evidence that we can control CLIMATE CHANGE?

We cannot control earthquakes. We cannot control giant mud slides. We cannot do anything about the so-called “ring of fire” zone around the Pacific Ocean, and resulting earthquakes from that. We cannot control the weather. We cannot control hurricanes. We can't even make it stop raining. Or make it start raining.

There is not one shred of evidence that we can stop CLIMATE CHANGE.

If that is true, than why are we worried about climate change?

The climate has been changing since the beginning of time. Why not just adapt and adjust to whatever comes our way?


Certainly the greatest exaggeration of our time if not all time.
