> I don't understand, didn't Al Gore say?

I don't understand, didn't Al Gore say?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
<< I don't understand, didn't Al Gore say we would lose both ice caps by now?? >>

No, he didn’t say anything even remotely like that. Please provide a reference to back up your claim. He made some dubious claims and at times wasn’t particularly clear, somewhat deceptive in fact, but he certainly didn’t say the ice caps would be gone by now.

<< Hmmm Global warming or just a tax on CO2? >>

Both. Global warming (both the natural and manmade parts) are very real and an irrefutable consequence of the laws of quantum mechanics – it really is pointless trying to argue against it. You can question what the effects will be, even whether it’s going to be beneficial, but it’s really dumb to try and claim it doesn’t exist.

As for a tax on CO2 – some governments have already introduced such taxes and are using the revenues for various areas of government spending. But does it make any difference, they’ll impose taxes regardless, if it wasn’t CO2 it would be something else.

<< And by the way anyone who breathes should be taxed as they are omitting the ever dangerous CO2... >>

No they’re not. The CO2 they’re exhaling is the result of a chemical reaction between the oxygen in the air and the carbon in the food. As the carbon in the food was initially sequestered via photosynthesis the any exhaled CO2 is just going back to where it came from.

<< I wonder why Global warming wasn't thought of in the 1910's >>

It was. Global warming was first hypothesised in 1811 by Simeon Denis Poisson and further expanded upon in 1826 by John Baptiste Fourier. It was scientifically documented and published in 1896 by Svante Arhennius.

<< it could of prevented the Dust Bowl in the 30's... >>

The dust bowl years were a combination of hot weather and poor agricultural practices. The land was over-tilled preventing consolidation of the soil thus it was readily blown away – something we see happening a lot in Africa these days as subsistence farmers try to eke too much out of their land. The farmers would have struggled whatever the weather.

Whilst 1934 was the hottest year in the contiguous US (until beaten by 2012), on a global scale it was a very average year.

<< so much for global "the CO2 secret tax" warming, huh..>>

It’s still very much alive, there’s more heat in the entire Earth system than before. Whereas the atmosphere was observed to be warming in the past it’s now the oceans that are warming, and they have the capacity to store far more heat energy than the atmosphere does. According to the laws of thermodynamics, heat was always flow from the warmer medium to the cooler one – if you warm the atmosphere then more of that heat will be transferred into the ocean; simple physics.

In 2008 Gore predicted the North Pole would be ice free by 2013. It's all over the net, but here is one source. I didn't bother to go back and find original reporting, but I'm sure it can be found with some digging.

BTW, 1910 was much like 1970 in terms of climate trends. People were more worried about a global ice age. The average temperature moved up over the next 30 years only to level off until the early 1970's almost like there was some 60 year cycle.

Edit: As I suspected, Al Gore did say, "the entire North ‘polarized’ cap will disappear in 5 years.” He said this to a German television audience December 13, 2008. Here is a working link to the video:


Two years later he said, "The entire North Polar ice cap may well be completely gone in 5 years."


Once again showing the truth to the statement, "Liberals have short memories."

Al Gore said:

"The entire North Polar ice cap may well be completely gone in 5 years."

The original YouTube clip has been disappeared but this clip from, I think, a German news program survives.


Didn't Al Gore say we would lose both ice caps by now? No.

And we have yet another conspiracy theorist [1] claiming that thousands of scientist all over the world are working together in secret and have been publishing false papers for over a century in order to get our politicians to raise taxes on every one (including the scientist) You do take it up a notch on the stupidity scale by claiming there would be a tax on breathing...

@ Sagebrush "I Caught Trevor in a lie three times on one question." No you didn't, even Arthur Robinson, who circulated the "Oregon petition" when asked about the fake names, said "When we're getting thousands of signatures there's no way of filtering out a fake" [2]

Quotes by, Sagebrush who frequently quotes Nazi's and one of the resident deniers. "Execute all those who voted for OBAMA", "Sustainability is a codeword for communism", "Hire the handicapped, they are fun to watch", Justice and equality are codewords for communism", "God has his hand on the thermostat" If we were to use his "logic" [3] it would make all deniers, Nazi loving, justice, equality and sustainability hating religious extremists. Although it would not be unreasonable to assume that his fans [4] are.


Sagebrush are you willing to go on record and state that the "Oregon petition" organizer would not have removed obviously false signatures like "Mickey Mouse" or "Donald Duck"? Even Arthur Robinson was not stupid enough to claim there were no false signatures or to claim that the ones they did find were not removed. Seems you are.

Ask yourself this: Does Al Gore drive a Prius to his meetings and engagements, does he walk, ride a bike, or does he take a private jet and take Limos? He owns at least one mansion in TN that has SEVERAL A/C units running all the time. If he thought any of this was true, he would follow his own directives. That tells you that he's just a fake. Warming and cooling trends follow geophysical cycles. A warming trend and melting of ice was one of the factors facilitating the first Viking raids, and nobody was running motor vehicles then. There were also no factories, oil refineries, or aerosol cans. The warming trend just happened, and a great ice age came to an end. This happened without the help of mankind. Warming occurred for awhile, now it's getting cooler again.

Al Gore went into Hybernation because of global winters

I don't think he predicted an ice free Arctic, he just heavily implied it. It's an old alarmist trick, you heavily imply something will happen, get people scared and when the prediction turns out false say "I never said that would happen".

Alarmists have no scruples.

You are right on. Just look at the defenders of the myth, AGW. Then they call us liars. I Caught Trevor in a lie three times on one question.


True scientists don't have to lie. Here is an admitted liar, Al Gore.

Quote by Al Gore, former U.S. vice president, and large CO2 producer: "I believe it is appropriate to have an over-representation of factual presentations on how dangerous it is, as a predicate for opening up the audience to listen to what the solutions are, and how hopeful it is that we are going to solve this crisis."

Over-representation is just another word for lie.

Lying is profitable. Al Gore is now a billionaire with at least six large houses and a private jet. And yes, his house in Tennessee is huge. It hogs enough energy to supply a small city.

Quote by Tom McElmurry, meteorologist, former tornado forecaster in Severe Weather Service: “Governmental officials are currently casting trillions down huge rat hole to solve a problem which doesn’t exist....Packs of rats wait in that [rat] hole to reap trillions coming down it to fill advocates pockets....The money we are about to spend on drastically reducing carbon dioxide will line the pockets of the environmentalists....some politicians are standing in line to fill their pockets with kick back money for large grants to the environmental experts....In case you haven’t noticed, it is an expanding profit-making industry, growing in proportion to the horror warnings by government officials and former vice-presidents.”

Prico: Go back and read the link. Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck would be easy to to filter. Give them credit for being smarter than that. Trevor continued to lie by demeaning a fellow who had a list of degrees as long as your arm, by saying he was a mere inventor. Apparently you don't know what a lie is. Nice try, but it don't hold water. You liar types all stick together. Ha! Ha!

LOL!! Gore is a religious spokeshole for AGW fraud that that got 10s of millions by scamming his cultist supporters.

AlGore even won a Nobel prize for his brilliant work in AGW and his movie won some awards and now you AGW cultists want to throw him under the bus after he humiliates you all with his hypocrisy. Classic.

Gore is not a scientist and I don't remember him offering a guarantee. He made a prediction that is all. AGW is still a reality and the planet is still warming

We would lose both ice caps by now?? Hmmm Global warming or just a tax on CO2? And by the way anyone who breathes should be taxed as they are omitting the ever dangerous CO2...

I wonder why Global warming wasn't thought of in the 1910's it could of prevented the Dust Bowl in the 30's...so much for global "the CO2 secret tax" warming, huh..

More lies from deniers.

Don't any of you people have scruples?

EDIT for the liar Sagebrush: He says :"True scientists don't have to lie:

I guess that implies you're not a true scientist then Sagebrush. Actually, you're not even a fake scientist.

EDIT for graphicconception: So let me get this straight, you are saying that Gn Lee's question was a lie TWO different ways?

1. Gore only referred to the arctic ice cap, not both ice caps.

2. He didn't say we WOULD the arctic ice cap, he said that we might within 5 years. That's an awfully big qualifier.

The thing that must be embarrassing for you is that you can't even support the statement that you claimed Gore made--all you have is some obscure German voice over without actually being able to hear what Gore said. Is this the sort of "evidence" that your basis for rejection of AGW?

No he didn't