> How is it possible that the Antarctic ice shelf melt this year is the lowest ever recorded?

How is it possible that the Antarctic ice shelf melt this year is the lowest ever recorded?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
If you know where to look you can see by satellite photos, that Antarctic ice has been growing ever since 1979, however the media does not want you to know that, so along with global warming scientists they go off and take pictures of glaciers breaking off, or penguins on rocks, and tell us how serious (it's worse than we thought) global warming is,

It's all B.S.

The plain fact is Antarctic ice is growing and its getting colder there, this was just another picture and propaganda jaunt, but this time it went farcically wrong.

I think your point is valid, but I will offer suggestions consistent with AGW theory.

1)If all the ice has melted, then there will be a record low ice melt of zero. So it is possible global warming can produce record low ice melts.

It is too cold in Antarctica for global warming to really melt the ice. Instead we will get warmer ocean water melting ice from below, and evaporation resulting in water vapor, which will then form ice in the center of the continent. So with global warming we could end up with more ice. Again not a contradiction to have more ice.

Last time I looked at a globe, Antarctica didn't cover the entire surface. If you can't understand how one part of the world can be exceptionally cold and yet not contradict the idea of 'global warming' then you should also take the time to look at a globe.

How can "this year's summertime" anything be the lowest ever? Aren't there 2 months left in summertime?

Or are you making a forecast with your Anthony Watts brand crystal ball?

because the federal government regulates what gets put in the jetliner fuel.so the jet fuel is likely to have a higher content of a type of sodium in its exhaust stream / chemtrails / its just like when making homade icecream you use salt to keep it cold also too the nexrad /harp systems do indeed help regulate weather by manipulating the devices uses

If you'd spent less time constructing your rant and a little more time researching this article you'd have discovered the cause of this event was the the strong La Ni?a event occurring across th pacific in 2012.


But that would have inconveniently undermined your biased and fixed mindset so you chose to ignore it.

I hear they have a team down there investigating that right now. They will be give us a report as soon as they get unstuck.

It is part cult, part lie. Some know very well they are lying. Some just seem to need to be lied to.

it's due to weather, not climate

Well Said :)

Now we are informed that this year's summertime ice shelf melt off in the Antarctic region is the lowest ever recorded. How in the name of hell is this possible in one of this century's hottest years in recorded history? This isn't supposed to be possible because we've all been told for decades that the ice in the Antarctic is melting faster than ever and the seas are going to rise and flood us all out and scared governments on tiny 3rd world island countries are demanding that the rich west give them fat checks for compensation et al.

Where is AGW? Just in Australia because their new prime minister trashed the carbon tax?


*Please note* Have you noticed that AGW cultists in this thread always seem to cut and paste the same old AGW talking point BS while hardly ever offering anything new to the discussion while we AGW skeptics seem to be pummeling the board with different information that contradicts AGW theory nearly every day? It's because the science was never settled. Results from new science research that contradicts AGW is being released nearly every day that debunks conventional AGW theory. Actually this phenomenon has been happening nearly every day since global warming paused 17 years ago prompting the AGW cultists to keep moving the dates of their eco apocalyptic goalposts. And they have lost a lot of credibility among the public and scientific community for doing just that. What we have left is an AGW cultist religion in a death spiral as their most dedicated members of that congregation sink to unbelievable depths to create propaganda of catastrophic human caused disasters. In other words their loony predictions make them look insane. AGW causes more hookers on street corners. AGW more causes asteroids to smash into the earth. AGW will cause the earth to explode if the air warms up a few degrees.

AGW cultists sink to new lows in condemning anyone that has voiced skepticism of their religious idealism. They demand censorship of opposition. They demand incarceration and Nuremburg style trials for skeptics. They demanded that skeptics be branded with tattoos in order to be publically humiliated. The demanded that skeptics be exiled from society. And more.

AGW cultist leaders like Algore refuse to debate the theory. Academic AGW cultist elites refuse to release a significant amount of data they used to base their claims on. The rest of us have been forced to file a multitude of lawsuits under the Freedom of Information Acts to compel them to release it. In other instanced the raw data was destroyed so it couldn't even be evaluated and processed by independent researchers in an attempt to come to similar conclusions. This is anti science.

The entire AGW cultist movement is made up of those getting government funding and agenda driven anti humanity activists hell bent of destroying wealth and freedom and creating their socialist utopias with massive governments full of unelected politicians as attempted in the 2009 climate change convention in Copenhagen.

But I digress. Back to the question though. If we are to believe the AGW cultists who have been for decades claiming that humanity is going to cause the Antarctic ice cap to melt and cause the sea levels to rise and flood us out then how in the name of hell is it possible for the Antarctic ice shelf to have the lowest melt off in recorded history during one of this century's hottest years?

This kind of reminds me of this:


When a little more than a decade later they got this:
