> How do ocean temperature affect climate?

How do ocean temperature affect climate?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
How does the warming of the Atlantic and/or Pacific drive climate?

How does the cooling of the Atlantic and/or Pacific drive climate?

Our oceans are huge (70% of our earths area and 3k deep) they act as a heat sink absorbing and storing and releasing heat, modulating and slowing down any effects of heating or cooling.

They also are the basis for Earths hydrological cycle.

There are many recently discovered cycles PDO, AMO AO, etc, plus ocean currents which distribute heat around the world.

We are only now trying to understand the processes, this is new science, so to state what does what would not be correct.

The ocean plays a crucial role in determining climate because of its ability to absorb, store, and transport heat from the sun. Ocean water also affects atmospheric temperature and circulation around the world. Furthermore, seawater is the source of most precipitation.

The oceans are warming, and they are warming because of increasing CO2 levels, and declining ice cover at both poles. This warming means the oceans and the weather systems absorb more energy from the sun. This means increasingly extreme weather events globally as the excess energy is released into the atmosphere. Follow this link to see the extreme weather events in 2012:


More Hurricanes/typhoons

El nino/la nina would be more active

El nino- Warming ocean

La nina- cooling ocean

How does the warming of the Atlantic and/or Pacific drive climate?

How does the cooling of the Atlantic and/or Pacific drive climate?