> How DDT act as biomagnification?

How DDT act as biomagnification?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
DDT is very soluble in lipids(oils and fats) and not very soluble in water. DDT is not easily metabolized into water soluble compounds. This means that it has a long biological half-life.

So if a pond is sprayed with DDT the fish get dosed with it. If it is sprayed all summer the fish get dosed all summer. Very little of the DDT the fish ingests is excreted. They are like little oily sponges soaking up the DDT in the water. The concentration of DDT in the tissue of the fish becomes much higher than the concentration in the water.

Birds of prey eat the fish. Each time they eat one they get dosed with DDT. Very little of the DDT the bird ingests is excreted, so the concentration of DDT in the birds winds up being greater than the concentration of DDT in the fish.

Bio magnification is the increase of a particular substance throughout the food chain. DDT is a harmful pesticide which is a bioaccumulant because DDT is used on the plants to kill pest, but the DDT i9n plant reach at the primary consumers which eat that plant for eg. goat. The humans use that goat for meat or for milk. Then it reach at humans. Thus DDT accumulated.

DDT is very toxic for our environment. Bio magnification is the process of entering any chemical substance in he food chain.

for example: as we flow fertilizers in the water bodies which enters into the body of aquatic animals. when humans eat those animals for example fish; so these chemicals also enter into the body of human and affect us. As we eat lot amount of fish at a time this toxic substance will affect us more, than fishes.

Get serious. DDT is not harmful. It was a dirty bold faced lie about the robin's eggs turning soft, a half a century ago as claimed in the book 'SILENT SPRING'. Millions of people have literally died because of your greenie tripe. Malaria, which was insignificant at one time, has made a come back due directly to the outlawing of DDT. How does it feel to be responsible for millions of deaths each year, due to your inane propaganda?

Of course you are more sensitive to a tenth of a degree rise in temperature than you are to millions of deaths of humans. It just proves that you saviors of the earth would much rather be DEAD WRONG and powerful, than just and right.

Wrong category. Nothing to do with global warming.