> Hey man can you understand that global warming because of the sun?

Hey man can you understand that global warming because of the sun?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
And nothing to do with us wake up and get off your knees its time to take the power back.

There are many of us who have been saying this for a very long time. However, you can't tax the Sun, so the politicians threw that out a very long time ago.

Based on what "man" certainly not the science, the Sun's activity over the last 40 years does not match the warming we have seen. deniers will huff and puff about various conspiracies, but they have no real answer to that point. I note nothing to back what you say, not really surprising in a denier set piece question.

This is the solar activity over the last several decades.


We now have a forth cycle to add to that and it was lower again, so what is it you think caused warming, The problem deniers have always had with this pet theory of changes in solar activity is the changes are (so far) very small and short lived as the 11 year cycle has only a small effect on climate, the effective change in energy is less than 0.01% from low to high and back again.

The Sun is of course the primary heat source of the planet, but it is also a very stable heat source, it has shown no activity in the last 40 years that explains why we are warming.


Of course a look at the other science answers to various denier excuses, always reminds me of a famous WWII intelligence gambit, The British used to use captured agents and run them as if they where still free, to find out what question the Germans wanted answer to.

Apply the same logic to denier excuses and you get a group of people desperately trying to find an excuse any excuse to explain away AGW, and they constantly change those excuses.

Here is just a small sample of science rebuttals of the main ones denier have tried.


So they have tried to blame cooling, it stopped in 98, Antarctica getting colder (it isn't), Increasing Polar Bears (they aren't), cooling oceans, cooling atmosphere, Mars & Pluto, Co2 is to tiny to matter, Co2 lag, it's cold where I live, the Sun, Cosmic Rays, A disproved hockeystick graph (not true either), it was warmer in the past, A warmer MWP, Co2 is a plant food etc etc etc

I think this shows pretty clearly denier are just making this up as they go as science addresses each of their points they simply invent a new one, the aim is to try and tie up scientists time and to trick the general public (which has partially worked).

If you really want to get off your knees, stop believing the nonsense you read in denier blogs and go to an actual science group and see what they say, I have worked in a science group for 25 years, I've seen the science develop on this for all of that time and have only seen the denier BS trying to counter that in the last 5 or so, frankly I have to wonder how anyone with any claimed education can be fooled by the constantly changing stories and excuses deniers try to peddle, people who think youtube videos are science have no understanding of science.

hey man, like I'd rather listen to experts. The Sun's changes do not explain the warming in the last 100 years. Good luck taking back power from the laws of nature.

Agreed. Only those sorely lacking in scientific education or those who simply lying to you will deny it. With as politically driven and charged as the IPCC the SCIENCE is getting too solid to completely deny the role of the sun. They still play it down, but time will prove the point one way or the other.

Below you will find 10 links from various organizations supporting the SUN as a major driver of the climate. All people with an education in science and who take the time to look at the data KNOW that the late 20th century saw the sun at its most active period in 8,000 years. Al who know and understand science and have paid attention also KNOW that during the last solar minimum between cycles 23 and 24 (we are in cycle 24 now) several solar indices dropped below theoretical minimums. Those who take time to learn also KNOW that the sun is now doing things that modern man has NEVER seen. In laymans terms, its going to sleep.

What does all this mean? It means that by 2015 the sun will no longer have the energy necessary to produce sunspots. It means that by 2030 every thinking human being will know beyond a doubt if the sun is a primary driver or not. If the sun is NOT a primary driver, then weather patterns/climate will remain relatively normal possibly slightly warmer. If the sun IS a primary driver then it will be MUCH colder than it is now.

Scientifically this is a VERY interesting time. Many theories are going to be tested. Some will be proven, some will be proven WRONG. Most will have errors in their theories identified. Sadly scienficially interesting times in this case has a high probability of very stressful times for life in general and humans in particular.

4. This report was presented at the International Conference on Climate Change. It is a detailed look at the solar cycle, its correlation to global climate patterns and predicts fairly dramatic cooling over the next decade.


9. Solar Activity tracking data


10. Article linking solar activity and earth’s climate. Article provides this link with a new computer model, but NASA still says greenhouse gases still supersede. Although another NASA article point out that the sun has been the most active in 1,000 years or more for the past 50 years…


17. CERN CLOUD experiment proving relationship between solar magnetic field strength and possible cloud formation/cover on earth.


18. New study showing STRONG negative feedback for Clouds.


19. Variable Solar Dynamo – solar Flux fields are degrading no more sunspots are possible after 2015 if this does not reverse.


20. Three studies on solar physics – Fading sunspots - National Solar Observatory - NASA Jet propulsion Laboratory - Air Force Research Labs. These three studies were commisisoned to confirm or reject the findings of the Solar dynamo study identified as #19 above. All three found that the solar Dynamo Study was correct.


26. Perhaps a weak to non-existent cycle 25


28. Periodic Tidal forces and the Sunspot cycle


29. the forthcoming Grand Minimum


The Sun didn't cause GW and it has very little effect on the current state of AGW

This is an old DA denier myth http://skepticalscience.com/solar-activi...

Reading this Environmental board makes me sad for the future of our planet.

Or we can call it "Natural Climate Variability"!

Activist scientists are riding a natural heat wave and giving us credit. How nice of them! Will they give us credit when it cools down some like it did from last year to this year?


uhhhh, what?

And nothing to do with us wake up and get off your knees its time to take the power back.