> Has the environmental movement accomplished anything that has harmed mankind and/or the Earth?

Has the environmental movement accomplished anything that has harmed mankind and/or the Earth?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Bio-fuels spring to mind. Instead of growing food that we could have given to those without any we can grow it and then burn it. Bio-fuels are usually less efficient than the fuel they are replacing. So more starvation and more pollution in one go. Genius!


Wind farms is another one. The raw materials for some of the components leave vast quagmires of industrial and radioactive pollution in far away places. The environmentalists can't see it so it is all OK with them.


They lobby governments to give money to "green" startups. People beiing what they are, they spot this as an easy wat to make money. They take the loans, give themselves a fat salary then go bankrupt leaving a lot of half-finished solar panels for someone else to clear up.


They make rules about water usage in California that leaves many farmers without working farms.


In Australia they forbid the clearing of brush from forests and make silly rules about clearing trees from the area surrounding a house. Then when it does catch fire the effects are worse than usual and home owners become homeless.


In the UK they want to protect the wetlands. So they don't manage the waterways as they did in the past. Result: 900 homes hit by floods, many in Somerset.


There have been missteps. Unintended consequences, things that weren't thought through all the way, and so on. I think one of the biggest may have been the unrelenting, unreasoning opposition to nuclear power. If we were saner about nuclear power (yes, we need to be sure it's being handled properly, and we need to have a Serious Conversation about what to do with the waste, but that's not the same as opposing any and every nuclear power plant), we could probably be halfway off of coal by now, and be emitting a *lot* less nasty stuff (not just CO2, but also soot and the like) into the air.

And, ask me about evolution. Seriously. I have a page of links to get you started...

I haven't found that the environmental movement is good at admitting mistakes. They probably see it as a sign of weakness whereas most people would see it as a sign of integrity.

It will be interesting to see what comes of the recent flooding in the UK, especially Somerset Levels. It has been claimed that main cause of the flooding has been a lack of dredging which was the result of environmental policy to protect wetlands and biodiversity. For example, read here: http://www.spectator.co.uk/the-week/lead...

The scary part of that story is that the Environmental Agency can't be fired or voted out. They are arms length independent of government yet somehow have the power to implement rigorous policies (and allegedly cause havoc).

The Spotted Owl case history in the US northwest is also an interesting case study.

Well, Richard Nixon, who gave us the Environmental Protection Agency, HARMED his own political career by lying about Watergate. But you probably have trouble remembering that far back. Back when Republican still meant conservative and intelligent.

Ottawa Mike talking about OTHER people never admitting mistakes has to be the most hilarious denier crock seen here in many a moon.


It's all in his 1000+ fake yet "resolved" anti-science "questions".

Fighting nuclear power.

Fighting hydroelectric power.

Now that it's becoming feasible, fighting wind power.

Fighting Keystone XL, shifting the blame to Canada from their own lifestyles.

In general no, however the extremist have. For instance the Earth Liberation Front (ELF), also known as "Elves" or "The Elves", is the collective name for autonomous individuals or covert cells who, according to the ELF Press Office, use "economic sabotage and guerrilla warfare to stop the exploitation and destruction of the environment". [1]

It is obvious that you are yet again resorting to uses association fallacies [2] Just because those extremist are evil (Well they are in my mind), that does not mean that humans taking care of the environment is evil.

Let me explain once again how you associate people with evil people....

Quotes by Sagebrush (who frequently quotes Nazi's to further his cause)

"Execute all those who voted for OBAMA",

"Sustainability is a codeword for communism",

"Hire the handicapped, they are fun to watch"'

"Justice and equality are codewords for communism",

"God has his hand on the thermostat".

So while it is painfully obvious from your rhetoric that you are evil, if we were to use your "logic" [2] it would make ALL deniers, genocidal, Nazi loving, justice, equality and sustainability hating, religious extremists. Although it would not be unreasonable to assume that your fans [3] are at least in part evil, since they had to actively choose to become a fan of you. Do you get it yet?

Regarding your additional details...

First of all you resort to name calling again, which means that according to what you claim your dad told you, you have lost the argument.

Secondly I strongly suspect that you are lying again, from what I can tell neither of those three people were "touting an impending ice age". Although in fairness between 1965 and 1979 one in ten science papers predicted a cooling planet. in comparison ONLY six in ten predicting a warmer planet. [4]

Now even though you repeat your lies so often that even you might believe them [5], I still say "suspect that you are lying", because I have no way of proving that ALL three individuals did NOT predict an impending ice age. Feel free to prove you are not lying.

"This site is not for self promotion" Stubby Phillips is promoting a video taped talk by Dr. Eugenie Scott (on Evolution and Global Warming Denialism), not unlike your fan Maxx promotes his (debunked) video's. Are you suggesting Maxx is doing that for "self promotion"

@ raisin Caine "we get most of our lumber overseas", link please.

Generally if environmentalists support it, it is bad for the environment. This was not always the case, but lately it has become a religion.

Environmentalists encouraged MBTE to be added to gasoline, perhaps egged on by Unocal which owned the patent. Then this caused groundwater to contain MBTE, and they had to backtrack. No apologies given.

Push for reusable bags is a health hazard, as these bags end up full of bacteria.

Push for spiral lighting which contain mercury and will lead to more pollution as proper disposal is unlikely. Probably more energy use as well, as now additional hours of lighting are cheaper, but you have reduced the amount of heat in the home.

Well they heroes like the Unibomber and Earth Firsters

that Spike trees and blow up houses and Companys .

1.) They stopped logging in the US by their hug a tree campaign thereby making it so that we get most of our lumber overseas and it is shipped using fossil fuels.

2.) They caused the shift from paper bags (a biodegradable package) to plastic.

3.) They so fervently attacked nulcear power, that they have instilled fear in people making it difficult to even move to nuclear power now.

4.) Their previous fear of forest fires caused every forest fire to be quickly stamped out, creating a bunch of underbrush and thus leading to forestfire now that are more difficult to control.

5.) They have opposed some African coutnries from creating needed coal power plants.

6.) They have even opposed some hydro-power plants because of some "endangered species" that were not even endangered.

7.) They supported and got passed the ethanol legislation that has not only increased the cost of produce, but has actually increased CO2 production because of the inefficiency of ethanol.

I can go on. But the bottom line is simple. Generally, when they go off half-****** on their high horse, they make stupid decisions. When they actually adequately study both the problem and the solution, they are helpful.

Yeah, the restraints put on farming and farmers have put a record number of them out of business and driven the cost of food supplies through the roof, so only folks with EBT cards can afford to buy food but they usually buy beer and cigarettes instead.
