> Global warming and more of it?

Global warming and more of it?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I remember, as a kid in the 40s, out in South Dakota, there was commonly trick or treating in t-shirts. I can remember, in Kentucky, twenty years ago, we had such a hard freeze that it cracked the block in my car. It took us by surprise and I didn't get to put antifreeze in it. But it takes a real hard freeze to do that.

What I am saying is the earth has natural cycles. What you are referring to is weather, not climate.

I had a cousin out in California who took a water pistol with him. He went on that submarine ride. It doesn't really go under water but it gives you the illusion it does. He squirted water in the air and got a few people to panic. They thought that the submarine was sinking.

You seem to be like those who panicked.

The earth has been hotter and the earth has been colder. You know, we are still here. Plant your trees, if it makes you feel good, but it doesn't really do any good as far as the climate is concerned.

Read this: http://news.yahoo.com/south-dakota-ranch...

Then tell us all how the earth is warming.

The process of global warming does not proceed in a single day, it is an environmental activity which takes time. Similarity the remedial process doesnt work in a day. Planting trees are a good example and I appreciate it from your side, Well Done! The change in the weather pattern is just a symbol of the beginning of the change in the negative way. but the assurance can not be get on an individual basis. the environmental control is a global task and without the help of the govt. or a strong leadership.

As i think global warming is all because of humans.. Maybe we are not involved but others are the cause of it because they want to earn money.. They cut trees which results in less rainfall and also the smoke released from the vehicles trap heat energy in our environment.

As i think for now we cant do anything to prevent it cuz the population is growing rapidly and trees are cut for making hours. On the other hand people buy cars to show off their wealth.. You can see that from the start of day their is lot of traffic on roads. But not to worry as all this things will end and this can only be end because of educated population.

Government also do many things to protect environment. But they do this only because people force them to do so.

Its good to hear that you are planting trees and it does count. Even a single small tree count. We also plant trees in our school promises.

You may also make your people aware of environment and make them understand that what will happen if trees are cut down. You can also spread awareness on social networking sites. Also I am happy to see someone who cares about the environment as I also do care about it and i really become sad by seeing less trees nearby me..

s ur right climate is

changing or even also

getting worse ,I m also

afraid of it .these r the

effect of globalization,I get

anxious whenever I see

cutting of trees,destroying

forest in the name of


corporate peoples and

government authoritis

don't know the values of

trees and forests all they

want is

development ,globalization


10 years ago in our town if

rain starts once It would

continues for1to 2weeks

continuesly bt now it is

raining only 2 or 3 hrs

(max) a day

if u and I use to plant the

trees plants It is of no use

it is nt enough .instead It

is a global issue every one

should come front to keep

our environment green

government should come

with strong policy against

harming forest,trees



what we people can do is

growing plants and trees

around our environment

road sides ,reduce use of

ac , and v should use

public transport system

instead of keeping 2 or 3

vehicles per one home

Yes, the sun is hot and it makes the globe warmer.

Yes, trees do keep the environment safe. Good for you, you planted trees.

Yes, the sun output varies over a 10 year cycle. so soon you will be back to wearing woolen clothes and blankets to celebrate "karwa chauth".

Economist John Dales suggested the idea of tradable permits or "allowances" as a means of controlling pollution. For details please go through the following link.

Alph finally got one right. You are deluding yourself that your local warmth (IN INDIA) is caused by CO2 increases in the last 10 years. Even under the ridiculous claims from alarmists, the most CO2 could have caused is about a tenth of a degree and I doubt you would notice that. You should be more skeptical about what your government and idiotocracy are trying to feed you. It isn't truth and it isn't helpful.

It's more likely caused from deforestation and land use depletion, what city are you in, generally, most parts of India do not require warm clothing.

Its called indian summer .

weather in one place is not global climate

10 years ago, at this time in October we used to celebrate "karwa chauth" with alot of woollen clothes and blankets. but now situation is like that fans are on and i am sitting in shorts.

what exactly are the reasons of this so much of climate change? plz avoid all simple explanations

can't we just prevent it very soon?

i guess snow in few years will be in movies only?

why does government don't anything? they afraid corporates? have they lost eyes that they can't see the heat outside while they are sitting in AC rooms?

i am planting a lot of shadow trees and flowers in around my house.does it counts? what more i can do they keep environment safe?

please i am waiting for a lot of responses. reply.

thanks. 10 points for sure by me.