> Global warming acceleration?

Global warming acceleration?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Don't worry. The same bunch that made this prediction also said snow would be a rare event in England by 2010 and the Arctic ice would be all gone by 2013. In 2000, they predicted temperatures would be about 1 degree warmer by now.

Doomsday predictions are popular- nuclear holacaust, starvation, lack of clean water, viral infection, Y2K bugs, comets, the return of Jesus. This is just one more. Don't let it bother you.

It's unlikely that Earth will be 'unlivable' by 2050. Where did you hear that?

The closest I can find is this:


Where the Daily Mail got confused by a scientific study. It seems that by 2050 many places will have reached a climate that is completely outside their natural range. Let's say that normally your January average temperature is somewhere between 2 C and 5 C. All this research is saying is that by the 2050s it might be between 5 C and 8 C. This is a 'new climate', but it doesn't mean that your area is uninhabitable.

The heating of Earth has been accelerating, but luckily most of the heat has recently been stored deeper in the oceans, according to a study by scientists at the European weather research centre that predicted Hurricane Sandy hitting New York a week ahead, and from the National Centre for Atmospheric Research in Colorado


But this doesn't mean that Earth will become uninhabitable. Some places like Greenland will probably get better to live in, but generally the impacts are expected to be expensive and lethal. A lot of animals are expected to go extinct, a lot of people are expected to die, food prices are expected to rise and the economy will be a lot worse off than it would have been otherwise. But the changes will seem quite slow and before 2100 very few places are expected to become uninhabitable.

In fact, for a long time it won't even be obvious that many of the damages are from man-made global warming. Let's say you get a heatwave every 10 years. Under global warming maybe it'll happen every 2 years: but if you get 2 heatwaves in 5 years there's still a chance that could have happened anyway!

the whole earth unlivable? Highly unlikely. Some parts will have more droughts, some will have more floods.

with 7 billion people now, a few will survive even in the worse conditions.

I suspect there will be some solutions to reducing emissions after more suffering occur. If you look at smoking tobacco, it took many dead cancer people before warnings were issued. Maybe after the USA is under sustained droughts, say 50-100 years will there be some action.

I don't think anyone can say for sure that 2050 will be a terminal year, but I do have to say that if left completely up to man the earth would be unlivable at some point. That much is certain. I say that because even as we see the effects going on right in front of our eyes there are still a lot of people that think they are a figment of our imagination. Will we make it to 2050???? I think it unlikely!!!!!

2150 may be but not 2050. By 2050 there will have been significant AGW effects, changing some climate areas permanently, and changing almost every area to some degree.

As to skeptic BS claims about pauses and no warming for 15.16. and 17 years, that is simply cherry picking around the truth, or in other words, perpetuating two different lies.

1. the Pause

The pause as initially stated referred to SURFACE temperatures only. BUT there has been no pause in AGW The land and ocean temps together are still rising

2. 15 years no warming. This has been refereed to as 16 or 17 years. This was a flat out LIE started by David Rose in a DailyMail article Jan 29th, 2012 where he took MET data, and altered it to suit his purposes and deliberately lied. There was no 15 years no warming and the MET subsequently labeled him a lair in their own blob. To add how unreliable DailyMail can be, they reprinted the same article this year as if it were new knowing it was a lie this time around. Now that you know, if you continue to post either of these then you become the lie

The claim that the long term trend of global warming is accelerating is true. It is also true that some species will not be able to adapt to this sudden change and Earth will become unlivable for them. What domino effects this will have on the rest of the life forms here cannot be fully determined at this time, but it will be a different world from what we have adapted to already. The question remains as to how far species can adapt and how quickly they can do so. Some will likely prove to be rather resilient and some will not.

The global average temperature has not increased for the last 17 years so that sounds more like deceleration than acceleration to me. See the data from RSS attached.

Before I am accused of "cherry-picking" 17 years take a look at the last 10,000 years. You can see that it was much warmer in the past. We have not caught up with that warmth yet. We are still recovering from the Little Ice Age.


The article is wrong. The planet will be habitable long after 2050.

What Global Warming? There has been no warming for about 17 years, in fact the globe is COOLING. http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/rss/fro...

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Check out the articles and even projections and predictions made by the so called academic elite and special interest groups on the 1st earth day in the 1970s. With some of those predictions humanity was supposed to be destroyed before 2000.

How can anyone take such educated eco alarmists seriously with such a horrifically failed track record for projecting and predicting apocalyptic eco disasters for over a half century. Not a single one of these predictions have come close to fruition. I think the lunatic bible thumping hobo screeching predictions of the coming rapture on specific days has a better chance of getting it right than these ecofascist AGW cultists.

I stumbled on an article that says global warming is accelerating and the earth will be unlivable by 2050. Is there validity for this? It's making me really anxious and I'm a bit scared!

I'll post a link if necessary later, I can't do it right now.

No it is not accelerating. The current status is deceleration as temperatures have been flat for a while.

Looking at the IPCC reports, with model forecasts, there is no acceleration to be seen, as they show a pretty high upwards forecast to begin with.

i'm so confuse about Global warming

We haven't had global warming for 15 years.
