> Global warming, fact or fiction?

Global warming, fact or fiction?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Are we going to ignore weather patterns, melting of the glaciers? Or is it all a bunch of hogwash by the tree hugger community?

No it's real.A 100% real.

And you can say what ever you want i don't care but The global warming is really bad and people should know more about it and try to protect our planet.Because if our planet is screwed and damaged we will all die :)

It is neither, yes there is some warming done by CO2 but it is minimal, natural causes have more impact, as of now there has been no warming for the last 16yrs and slight cooling for the last ten.


Yes the arctic and some glaciers are melting, but the melt is slowing down


But the Antarctic is growing and this year could be a record.


What no-one talks about is whether it is good or bad, mankind has always prospered during warming periods, and has suffered famines and decline during colder periods.

The only hogwash on the reality of AGW... isn't coming from the tree-huggers.

If you want more information, try here:






http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;... (a while back, I asked people to post links to sources at various experience levels)

Global warming is real. Im not a tree hugger tbh idgaf bout this b.s world. But its real.

The Arctic just had the shortest summer on record.

It's winter now.

fantasy religion

Are we going to ignore weather patterns, melting of the glaciers? Or is it all a bunch of hogwash by the tree hugger community?