> Global warming, Ebola, HIV. Which sounds more intimidating?

Global warming, Ebola, HIV. Which sounds more intimidating?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Ebola. Ebola virus (EBOV) cause a severe viral hemorrhagic fever with high mortality in humans and nonhuman primates, killing up to 90% of those infected. The disease is characterized by widespread petechial hemorrhages, focal necrosis of the liver, kidney, and spleen, shock, and ultimately, death. Despite considerable effort, no animal or arthropod reservoir capable of sustaining the virus between outbreaks has been identified. Moreover, the pathogenesis of Ebola hemorrhagic fever is not fully understood, and no Ebola virus vaccine or effective therapies are currently available.

Global Warming is deemed more intimidating by the PR agents. 'Global' is always scary because that seems to affect everyone. However, Ebola just affects some Africans. And HIV just affects homosexuals. But anything in the 'global' area affects everyone. Words are powerful tools and are maliciously and repeatedly used by the press and their masters.

Ebola is by far the biggest threat on that list. If you contract Ebola, you only have a 4 in 10 chance of surviving it. And it spreads quickly. If you simply touch someone that has Ebola, you may have caught it. Or even touching an object that an Ebola victim has touched may cause you to contract the virus.

If we are going to spend big money on something that's a real threat to the world's population, Ebola is it.

We spend billions every year to combat mythical man-made Global Warming, but we are doing very little to combat and contain Ebola.


In the short term, Ebola. In the long term, Global Warming. HIV is not close.

That's irrelevant. We have a poor intuitive grasp of risk. For example, sharks sound scarier than bath tubs, but you're more likely to be killed by slipping in the bath tub than by sharks. Plane crashes sound scarier than car accidents, but the latter is much more likely than the former, both in terms of total incidents and in terms of chance of dying.

Of the 3, we're closest to having a solution in a technical sense for global warming (really, we already have the solutions, we're just not using them because we're waiting for better ones). But we're probably closer to *implementing* a solution for HIV, at least in wealthier nations. Ebola is, ironically, too virulent to really spread far most of the time.

PMS Ebola sounds like a zombie thing to me scary

ChemFlunky <>



I am more worried about Ebola just now.

Lack of drinking water, no one mentions that because they think CA is the only place that wastes water on non essentials like lawns. The lack of drinking water will be the thing that kills us.

Intimidation is not a sound or just basis for deciding policy.

What will be will be but, Ebola.

Global warming doesn't scare me at all, in fact we could with some warming, civilizations always thrive during warmer periods.

global warming. for the other 2, we can make drugs.


macaulay culkin

Black people.