> Did the Global Warming Pilgrims stranded in the Antarctic find that the sea ice is 15 feet thicker than 1912?

Did the Global Warming Pilgrims stranded in the Antarctic find that the sea ice is 15 feet thicker than 1912?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
No, nitiwt. They were on their way to study a large (75-mile long) iceberg that broke apart 3 years ago - perhaps as a result of global warming.. The ship likely is stuck in ice that had broken off from that iceberg.

Is it just science or have you mastered being stupid in other subjects, as well.


C --

>>who says it was 15 feet thicker<<

One lame idiot to a bunch of lame idiots - or a liar to a bunch of lame idiots.

You know - the way all Deniers get their "science" information.


Marduk --

>>It is all a hoax perpetrated by deniers<<

Impossible - Deniers can only believe in hoaxes, they are not smart enough to create one.


jim z --

I thought that the "perhaps" was enough of a clue that my added comment was an obvious barb. My mistake though. I know better - and actually thought about it at the time - but let it fly, anyway.


kano ---

Your only comment is to ridicule people you don't know. So much for you "objective" interest in global climate.


kano --

>>they stated quite clearly that their intention was to follow in the steps of Douglas Mawson and his expedition, and to note the changes in the local environment,<<

Where did they state that?

Because that is not what the leader of the expedition has said:

>>"We're stuck in our own experiment," the Australasian Antarctic Expedition said in a statement. We came to Antarctica to study how one of the biggest icebergs in the world has altered the system by trapping ice. We ... are now ourselves trapped by ice surrounding our ship.

"Sea ice is disappearing due to climate change, but here ice is building up," the Australasian Antarctic Expedition said in a statement.<<


What is it going to take before you realize that every source you rely on markets nothing but lies? Everything you think that you have learned is a lie - and they are lying to you intentionally so you will help them to help themselves. You are being played.


kano --


kano --

I'll concede the historic angle. It's a good news story and a good way to raise money.

That being said, it does not excuse Deniers from lying out the incident as if it is evidence against global warming.

The ship is not stuck in annual sea ice cover. Satellite imagery shows that they became stuck when thick multi-year ice from a fractured iceberg was blown against their position and filled Commonwealth Bay with packed ice. It is the thick multi-year material from the iceberg that made rescur difficult - and, again, not sea ice cover.


Deniers have no interest in what is real and they have no interest in understanding the reasons things work. They believe everything (without skepticism) that fits their political ideology and deny everything else (without skepticism)- and then they lie by calling themselves skeptics.

A "global warming" newspaper?

You guys are so paranoid..

Do you lie or do you lack any reading comprehension skills? A mix of both, perhaps?

Since the ice the ship is stuck in is only about 10' thick then it would be impossible for it to be 15' thicker than in 1912. - "Turney said the ship was surrounded by ice up to nearly 10 feet (3 meters) thick." - Source: http://www.cnn.com/2013/12/30/world/anta... Facts! Don't ya just hate them?!?

There is a reason that scientists call it Global Climate Change, rather than Global Warming (for at least the last 2-3 decades).

It is not unreasonable to have colder than normal weather events when you are adding that much energy to the system. On AVERAGE things are warmer, but the variability also increases with the input of more heat energy.

Don't forget that weather is simply a consequence of moving heat from the equator to the poles (modified by topography and rotation).

And climate is (simply stated) long term weather.

Sorry, said with a completely straight face...

Global warming and Bush is causing this mess.

ROTFLMAO! Cguy, show me one lab experiment that shows any closed environmental system that cools down as more thermal energy is applied to it. Sure, you can say that oceans evaporate faster carrying thermal energy with it but that means more clouds, more negative feedback due to more solar radiation being reflected back into space, more global rainfall, etc. But all this is contradictory to the apocalyptic ecological projections by the AGW Cultists. I mean we are told that AGW will cause droughts, less negative feedback from solar radiation, etc.

"Don't forget that weather is simply a consequence of moving heat from the equator to the poles (modified by topography and rotation)." LOL! How much more heat from the equatorial regions do these stranded scientists need to melt the ice that has trapped both ships? According to AGW cultists ships trapped in Antarctic ice this time of year was supposed to be an impossibility. The ice mass was supposed to be shrinking. Not growing and trapping ships.

AGW cultists just can't keep their theories straight. It's amusing to watch them spew such contradictory explanations for why AGW has failed so miserably.

We were told that Antarctic ice was thinning and breaking up. That Antarctic ice mass was shrinking to record levels due to AGW. This is yet another prime example of real world observations completely debunking AGW cultist theory.

These so-called scientists are making excuses and outright lying. People like GaryF are being duped in to repeating the lies. Amazing to see the depths of true denial. Soon they will be claiming the ship isn't stuck in ice, it is actually moving on top of thin ice that is weaker because of global warming.

From The Guardian which has been reporting on the expedition from the beginning, I note no mention of icebergs as the purpose of their visit. Note the headline,"Scientists re-trace steps of great Antarctic explorer Douglas Mawson."

On board are scientists from the University of New South Wales, a journalist from The Guardian and dozens of tourists who have paid to be part of the recreation of Mawson’s expedition.

"As a result, it provides this incredibly good baseline – we're going to repeat the measurements and see how much has changed over the last century."


The United States Navy has already made plans for an ice free artic. The South Pole is mostly high mountains and is surrounded by water so the situation is different. Most people know that. Why don't you?

Your nickname is an insult to the United States of America and its President.

You use quote marks around "scientists": like you have the faintest clue what science is. Go back and finish junior high school and maybe you'll make a better showing for yourself.

It is all a hoax perpetrated by deniers, the ship and crew are props and actors on a set. There is no ice because of Global Warming but deniers need to make it look like there is a lot of ice. It's all make believe, no one is trapped in any non existent ice.

Oh what a comical farce, a ship full of warming activists (BBC and Guardian reporters plus some warming scientists) stuck in the ice, which is not that nice, hehehe

Gary F

They are not there to study a broken off iceberg, they stated quite clearly that their intention was to follow in the steps of Douglas Mawson and his expedition, and to note the changes in the local environment, hmm I think the changes in the local environment are quite obvious.

Douglas did it in a wooden ship. they have GPS, Sat Nav, radio communications, updated satellite photos of the ice, all the modern conveniences, yes I think they deserve ridicule.

Some1 reminds me of a girl in my grade school who was obese. One classmate said, "Shirley, I bet you weigh two tons." She replied, "That's not true, I only weigh one."

As to the reason, we all paid a lot of money for this expedition. Our tax money, at least in part, went to duplicate Douglas Mawson and his expedition's travels to prove GW. In actuality, it was more for frolicking than for research. Just look at the Champagne bottles. And to think we paid for those while people starved to death. The Greenies sure proved themselves this time.

They're not "scientists", in inverted commas. They are actually scientists. They have qualifications and education and training. They've studied the literature and done actual research. They've done all the things you didn't do, so less of the condescending tone please.

Jerry: How would you know that ... unless ... you are my former husband??!! *flash of lightning, crack of thunder*

The "scientists" that went to the Antarctic to take pictures of melting ice to document the changes man made global warming has caused since the 1912 mission that took the same route are finding they are stuck in sea ice 15 feet thick. It is summertime in the Antarctic so how will they explain not being able to get within 100 miles of where the 1912 ship landed?

Gary blames it on GW. Yeah now that is credible. I can understand why he is upset that Antarctica isn't cooperating with his cult but blaming unusual cold on warming is only something an alarmists could say with a straight face.

The Al Gore affect to the nth degree . Throw in Murphys

law and stir .

links...links who says it was 15 feet thicker? Did they go in the same month?

watch it or lizzy may get an ax