> Could global warming kill us?

Could global warming kill us?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Could global warming kill us?

After the 2014 climate change report, do you think the human species will decline in our lifetime?

Deniers are funny in the last 2 days I've seen them claim we have no warming for 12 years (15 years) and (17 years) two of those are here and quote 2 of those numbers in this very question, whoops.

Of course the two warmest years in the modern record are 2005 and 2010 which are 9 years ago and 4 years ago, but maths was never a denier strong point.


As far as temperature goes we have seen an average rise of 1c, but that is an average in places that has been much higher, the poles have warmed ~5c, this is reflected in glacial loss in Antarctica and sea ice loss in the Arctic.



The problem here is this is not about the temperatures affect on humans, heat waves largest effect is on the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions, but what affects us all is food supply, some of the largest food supply regions on the planet are in semi arid zones, places where water storage has been built, like California, Texas, much of Australia and many other places around the world, some also rely on melt water from mountain glaciers in places around the Himalayas and the Andes, but these glaciers are also shrinking.

People can survive in the deserts of the Kalahari to the tundra of Siberia so humans can live in a wide range of temperature but in reality these populations have always been limited by water & food supply.

Do you think the human species will decline in our lifetime? Not in my life time, although most of the developed world does not have the birth rate to keep up with the death rate I think that advances in medicine will allow humans (who can afford the medication) to live (more then) twice as long as we do now. [1]

Could global warming kill us? It could kill a few people through weather events, however right now it is nearly impossible to determine that the weather event could not have happened if we had not increased the CO2 in the atmosphere by 40%.

The videos, the young earth creationist (Maxx) posts have been debunked by the very scientist featured in them. [2]

Sagebrush has good reason to be afraid of the government, he is a genocidal, religious extremist who proposed to execute every one who voted for Obama. I reported that to the FBI.

Global warming is a very clever exploitation of a natural occurrence of our earth. Who makes the greenhouse gases? Industry. Who gets penalised? The public. Governments are using global warming just to tax us all for all we have. The planet mars is further away from the sun than us with a atmosphere of nearly all CO2 and its ice is melting faster than on earth. So yeah. Global warming wont kill us. Asteroids, supervolcanos, nuclear wars, bio and chemical wars will kill us if anything.

Will global warming cause a lot of problems, if we don't stop it? Almost certainly.

Will it kill a lot of people? Probably.

Will it kill *everyone*? Highly, highly, highly unlikely. We're a very adaptable species, and there are a *lot* of us.

yes I believe it can and will destroy everyone and every thing on the planet. global warming because of man kinds greed everything is being destroyed.watch videos of tree logging in the past the news is now reporting on the melting ice caps and oil spills and its to late for the average person to go green.it outrages me that people do not see what goes on around them.trees give oxygen and they are being torn down in major numbers every day for condos and cement roads ect. sorry but if people watch the news and look back through history its very to plain to see. lack of oxygen causes lack of breath which causes death to all living creatures.

What global warming? It's been cooling for at least 12 years.


Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Not all of us, mostly just the people in the developing nations and maybe the poor amongst us.

I predict that everyone alive today will be dead in 150 years time.

That will happen whether the world warms or not.

As HENRIK IBSEN once said: "To live is to war with trolls."

And to think, he never used the internet!

Read more at http://www.notable-quotes.com/l/life_quo...

No. the predicted "terrible effects" are things like a 5% increase in world cost of food. Wow, 5%. Big deal. But 5% of world food cost is still trillions of dollars, so people think it is a bigger problem if you say it will cost trillions of dollars instead of saying it will cost 5% more.

It never has before when the world warmed. but the cold that followed the last warming killed millions with famine

Could global warming kill us?

After the 2014 climate change report, do you think the human species will decline in our lifetime?

Yours maybe but probably not mine. Yes it can kill many of us but probably not all.

I would bet the house that we will survive. We have for thousands of generations. Interestingly, I bet everyone of those generations had a sizable portion that believed they were the last generation. In our modern generation, I would call those people AGW alarmists.

LOL, No. At least not because of climate change. When the temp in my house changes by 1 degree, I don't even sweat it.

I am more afraid of the government than the environment.

17yrs 6months with no siginificant temperature rise, but CO2 accelerating, I am not worried about warming I am worried about cooling, if it starts to cool we wont be able to feed all 7 billion of us.

No Its a fanatsy