> Climate change?

Climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Try looking up all of the "record HIGH temperatures" (that's temperatures ever recorded) broken in the U.S. and try and find any recent HIGH temperatures that have been broken. You won't find very many at all. Most all of the "record highs" are NOT recent. It would make sense that a few would be broken if indeed GLOBAL warming was actually happening.

There are no instabilities within our climate system that haven't happened in Earth's past.

Changes in current "extreme" weather are non-existent. Past research has shown much more extreme weather events than what has been happening within the past 35 to 50 years.

start at climate.nasa.gov

What are the natural and human causes of climate change?

- Natural orbital cycles, google milankovitch

- Natural short term effects - e.g volcanic ash cooling planet a few years

- Natural ocean current cycles e.g. El Nino, PDO

- Human emisions of CO2 (100 times more than all volcanoes) with water vapor feedback

- human land use changes and methane emissions

What are the problems caused by climate change?

slow rise of sea levels

- changes in extreme weather

- changes in acidification of oceans (absorbtion of CO2)

- changes in insects, disease and crop patterns

- droughts and floods

- changes in stability of climate

What impacts will it have on the different parts of the world?

- food shortages, floods, droughts. google 'climate change effects site:EDU'

What will the climate be like in the future?

different than today. less ice in the arctic, more weather extremes.

You can get a good understanding by reading Wikipedia. If anything there seems fishy to you, you can go to their references. Stay away from most web sites, including this one, except ones by the government, universities, and Skepticalscience.

Alph gives you better answers than zippi. Use his sources, not because they are what your teacher wants, but because they are the truth.

Please can you give me some help with these questions for my revision:

What are the natural and human causes of climate change?

What are the problems caused by climate change?

What impacts will it have on the different parts of the world?

What will the climate be like in the future?

(answering a few would even help)