> Can anyone point to a climate change in the last century?

Can anyone point to a climate change in the last century?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
With all this rise in CO2 you would think we could see something substantial.

The "tree-huggers" are now burying their heads in the sand and most all of the liberal-environmental news outlets are "flooding the airways" with all kinds of climate change news in an effort to control the message. That's about the extent of the "out-of-the-ordinary" climate change activity in the past 100 years. Everything else seems .... wait a minute .... I just noticed something strange .... a bird flying upside-down. Must be due to climate change.

"Climate Clown Alarmism" is out in full force at Yahoo News as of late. They seem to all have their "alarmist's magnifying glasses" out in full force looking to save the world from themselves.

Well, if you look at the 2012 USDA Hardiness Zone Map:


and compare it to the1990 Map:


you can see there is quite a difference across the Midwest over the last 24 years. In fact, that was what got me interested in the topic of climate change to begin with-in the late 1990s I noticed that some of the grape vines I had planted when we first moved to Minnesota in 1988 were starting to grow better, and now in the last couple of years some of the berry bushes I planted are coming around, both after malingering and barely hanging on for several years after I planted them.

I certainly think that is a significant regional trend over the last quarter century. I suppose there are any number of people who would ignore trends like this or argue endlessly about the whys, wherefores and the significance of it, but I invest based on this sort of thing instead of sitting around being all wah-wah-wah about it. If you or anybody else have some useful or better information that can actually be put to productive and profitable use for a change, let's hear it.

Here is all that climate change, as shown by temperature increases:

(You have seen it many times before. Do you have even a barely plausible reason other than CO2?)

I can't but I don't agree with wage slave's example.

Bark beetles move into forests that are overgrown and poorly managed. Forests that have not had fires in recent years or that were poorly managed with removal of undergrowth and small trees, etc get sick and those trees are more susceptible to disease including pine beetles. That doesn't indicate a change in climate, it indicates poor forest management and over-zealous fire fighting.

Also I would point out that Colorado is having a very cold fall so suggesting that it is now becoming a warmer habitat for other creatures and plants doesn't pass the smell test.

There is some evidence of global warming. There is some pine bark beetle making its way into higher elevations in Colorado, due to a warmer climate. There is evidence of change in nesting and laying habits of birds. Growing zones have actually changed to reflect a milder climate.

Sift through the hype and alarmism long enough and you will find some real effects.

Yes, one of these graphs shows the increased rate of temperature rise due to man-made CO2 and the other shows what happened naturally.

The trick is to tell which is which.

CO2 is the major cause for the climatic change in the world. CO2 is a heavy gas which traps the sun rays which results in increasing earth temperature. It is like that your car standing outside your house and the inside temperature of the car increases so much that you can't even sit inside it.





no doubt you are going to ignore my posts and links as you aren't ready to accept anything that exists outside your tiny anti-science bubble.

Hard to say.....with historical data being so terribly manipulated/falsified in order to push a crooked agenda.

We have, 0.8C and thats about all it is capable of, maybe another 0.8C when CO2 reaches 800ppm.

With all this rise in CO2 you would think we could see something substantial.

yes but you only accept things with the stamp of approval from conservatives/ deniers