> Can a storm effect your hearing?

Can a storm effect your hearing?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
We have a storm coming in about 4 hours time. Can it effect hearing loss? Me and my wife got it... Cheers

I would think, just like going on a plane, the pressure change associated with storms could affect your hearing.

Hearing allows you to be involved with the world around you. As a young child, you learned to speak by listening to and imitating the voices of others. Babies who are deaf have a hard time learning to speak clearly. You have learned most of what you know by listening to parents, teachers, television and radio. Music, the sounds of nature and the voices of loved ones can bring you pleasure; sirens and alarms can warn you about danger, even when you are asleep.

Totally. Don't stand near windows or out on your porch, if the thunder was loud enough it'll make you deaf.

May be

Yes. A change in pressure can affect your sinuses. In some cases it can decrease your ear sensitivity.

Yes,barometric air pressure,when its low or high your ears will notice the change.

Possibly on a temporary basis, but is this you first storm. If not you should realize it hasn't

I don't think so.

We have a storm coming in about 4 hours time. Can it effect hearing loss? Me and my wife got it... Cheers