> Are anti-fracking groups concerned about global warming or paid agents of oil producers?

Are anti-fracking groups concerned about global warming or paid agents of oil producers?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Some European NGOs have been revealed to be funded by Russians, and Matt Damon's anti-fracking movie was funded by Middle East oil.

I don't think that anti-fracking groups have any reason to worry that fracked gas will worsen global warming. If it replaces coal then it will reduce CO2 emissions.

In the UK any problem with aquifers is practically non-existent. Water in the UK almost always comes from a reservoir that is filled from rivers. All the water comes from the surface and is typically a mile or more from any fracking activities.

We have a fracked well quite near to where I live. It has been there since the 1960s. It is on the edge of a nature reserve. I bet most people don't even know it is there. They are certainly not being poisoned by fracking chemicals.

Most anti-frackers seem to believe that fracking is a brand new technique that necessarily adds methane and toxic chemicals to the water supply. They need to catch up with reality.

As for the installations being unsightly, see if you can spot them in the picture below. Then remember what you noticed first.

Some clearly are. Russia and the Sheiks are more worried about Fracking than anything else but they have an ace up their sleeve, ignorant eco-facists and Barak Hussein Obama who seems to enjoy bowing to make believe Arab Kings and letting a 5' 7' Russian Putin kick him around like a soccer ball.

Fracking couldn't cause earthquakes. It might trigger them. The stress was already built up and the hydraulic pressure help relieve it early. Worries about groundwater are equally ridiculous. They are simply obstacles that the eco-fascist put in front of any energy solutions. You would think any "earth scientist" would know that but apparently not.

Why are those are only two choices? Many people that oppose fracking do so for reasons that have nothing to do with global warming. Some people are concerned about water and air pollution associated with fracking, and others worry that it may induce damaging earthquakes.

Fracking certainly has its place in reservoir production, but there are many places where it shouldn't be used, and others where it may not do much good.

Oh my, am I supposed to be getting paid?

I really think that the danger of fracking chemicals getting into the irrigation, and drinking aquifer is not worth the increased oil and gas extracted.

If we ban it today, we could go back and allow it in the future.

If those chemicals get into the aquifer today, we'll never get them out.

That has nothing to do with global warming or foreign governments or oil producers.

It's protection of drinking water.

What is absolutely astounding is the number of people who ignore that possibility.

It's like, "It's not happening to me today, why should I care?"

That's a sad commentary on the morals that have taken over this country.

Fracking is a pump and dump fraud. IT poisons the water and the wells dry up far sooner than any of these people expected so long term pain for short term gain. The idiots in Ukraine have fallen for this scam-the US is criminal for trying to export it. Fracking should be banned period. US is a suicide nation.

In don't know, some people are illogical and emotional over issues like this instead looking at the pro's and con's,so they think it's not nature it's not green so then it must be bad.

There's no end as to the variety of conspiracy theories one can dream of but in general, it would take too much effort to maintain a conspiracy indefinitely so they are always uncovered and given the risks of being discovered, they are rare.

don't know


Some European NGOs have been revealed to be funded by Russians, and Matt Damon's anti-fracking movie was funded by Middle East oil.