> Will Global warming ever happen?

Will Global warming ever happen?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I see that warm temperatures and people aren't recycling can lead to this

Despite what deniers may say it is happening , but it is a slow process change is measured in decades, the IPCC had the rate of temperature rise at a little over 0.1c per decade (as an average) and while deniers have been pretending we are cooling the actual average rise in temp from the 90's to the 00's was closer to 0.2c


Then you have the Arctic sea ice it has shrunk significantly over the last 3 decades, the the record lowest level just last year.


Going from the looking like the image on the left in the 1980 to the image on the right in 2012


An area larger than Greenland is simply gone.

Glacial ice of Antarctica and Greenland is also declining


The latest of many many many denier myth's is that we have been cooling for the last 17 years (they seem to think 1998 was 17 years ago) yet the temperature record shows that 9 of the 10 warmest years happened in the last 11 years, in fact with the exception of 1998, the oldest year in this list of warmest years is now 2002, it was 2001 but that was bumped from the list by 2012

You really need to learn the difference between global warming, and climate change. Climat change is an on-going natural cycle, which includes warming and cooling.

CO2 has no measurable effect on the climate!. If anyone watched the recent series presented by Professor Brian Cox on the Solar system, and you knew anything about astronomy, you would see that the weather on Earth is affected by gravity, in exactly the same way as Io, a moon of Jupiter, is affected. Io is a solid lump of rock the same size as our moon, that due to gravitational forces, liquefies and causes volcanoes. The same applies to one of the moons of Saturn, the name of which I missed. EXACTLY the same forces that are causing the increased volcanic and earthquake activity here on Earth in the past 20 or so years due to the line up of the major planets and the Sun.

If it wasn't for global warming -- Chicago would still be under a mile of ice.

Fortunately Cro Magnon people learned how to make fire -- the smoke from their campsites melted the glaciers.

It's happening now! We just had the hottest summer on record (in Australia). I don't see how people can say that it's not getting hotter when the data clearly shows it is. The best you can argue is that it's not man made.

The latest news (as if it's radically different than what we've been saying for the last 15 years ) but the chart is effective: http://www.slate.com/blogs/bad_astronomy...

No temperatures this century have risen by 0.78 degrees C. and solar activity is slowing down at the moment so it could get colder.

Ignore comments about the 10 warmest years, we have past the peak and it will get cooler.

Global Warming is happening. Right Now. Right There. Everywhere.

I see that warm temperatures and people aren't recycling can lead to this