> Why is it still cold even though its almost May?

Why is it still cold even though its almost May?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Is it global warming?

where i live it isnt cold...

By that logic, the sun doesn't exist, it got dark last night, didn't it? This is a subject of science, 97% of scientists believe global warming is a consequence of our fossil fuels use. 98% believe global warming is happening, that means only 1% believe it's not done by humans, and ~2% believe, or are atleast skeptical of global warming. So there is a scientific consensus. Also yes, depending on where you live, the jet stream has become much more erratic due to higher ocean temperatures, remember the ocean heats up the fastest because it retains and absorbs as much heat as it can.

Due to the erratic behavior of the jet stream the huge drought passed among the United States, and forced food prices to go through the roof. We know exactly why the jet stream has become more out of place, the water vapors among the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans. The long term and even short term effects of global warming are still unpredictable, and how fast the temperature will rise is still a question, but the science and evidence are not.

I hope that helped out.

Well it is spring which is a transition to summer. I live in SW Michigan and i can be warm and rainy or cold and rainy. I have seen 10 in of snow I think April 9th of 72 Somewhere around then I used to love to accidentally take acid and drive my friends VW bug in the snow That time of morning, the police were all on break because the bars had been closed for a while and they didn't care if you were driving in the middle of the road.

It could be attributable to GW but it is likely just normal April weather.

Global warming causes hot, cold, dry and wet weather now. Where have you been?

Yea.........most of the climate change is due to global warming

Yes global warming causes cooling and warming.

Climate Change

No The jet stream is pulling the cold air from the north .


Global warming causes you to freeze your butt off.

Silly Mr. Al

it's global cooling

Where do you live that there are no schools?

Is it global warming?

It's weather.