> Why does NOAA say June 2014 was a record high temperature month?

Why does NOAA say June 2014 was a record high temperature month?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Cynical me says NOAA comes up with this to feed the mainstream mass media machine.

And of course they tell you weather or short term data is not climate until a record is broken and it can be crafted into a newsworthy story. Oh wait, global warming didn't cause June to be so warm but the dice are loaded or something like that.

Edit: Here is a good example of blaring headline today: "A double scorcher: June joins May with heat record" http://www.usatoday.com/story/weather/20...

Here's a headline you won't see: "It's a lot warmer now than in 1880 so warm records are not unusual."

The data the NOAA are referring to when they talk about “combined average temperature over global land and ocean surfaces” is the GHCN-M 32.0 dataset. They have taken the raw data and processed it to arrive at an anomaly for June 2014 of 0.72°C. This document explains more and how the data are processed:


For comparison purposes, a record you are perhaps more familiar with is NASA’s LOTI (Land Ocean Temperature Index) record. This has a value for June 2014 of 0.62°C


The GHCN (source for the NOAA) have June 2014 as the warmest June on record whereas NASA has it in third place (after 1998 and 2005).

Here’s the GHCN anomalies for June from 1880 onwards:

Oh my, who to believe?

Yahoo search?

Roy Spencer?


Hmmm, is that really a difficult choice?

Although, apparently not for everyone.

I see that the predisposition of some folks leads to different answers points of view.

Much like the predisposition of some folks leads to different answers concerning evolution.


Ya know, I think I'll go with NOAA.

Quote by Paul Watson, a founder of Greenpeace: "It doesn't matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true."

NOAA is trying to survive with this anti-science government. They either say it or they get their funds cut. Figures lie and liars figure.

Just look at Trevor, for example. "This is the way they figure it." Who cares? We have been shooting down those crappy figures and figuring for decades now. It is meaningless, even if true. One month does not prove Global Warming, and especially not Climate Change. They are clutching at straws and look who jumps right in. These people are starving for something, just anything, to prove their point. It would be laughable if it weren't for the fact that these evil people have wrecked economies and lives with their nonsense.

Not according to the NCEP http://notrickszone.com/2014/07/22/ncep-...

Trevor has thoroughly answered your question. If you have even a shred of honesty, you will give him best answer, say, “thank you”, and stop asking poorly researched questions based on scientific ignorance and political bias.

Because they adjusted past data down again?

Because they are a political entity run by a political appointee?

Here http://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=AwrSbm3nA85T0nYAIhlXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTByaDNhc2JxBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA2dxMQR2dGlkAw--/RV=2/RE=1406039144/RO=10/RU=http%3a%2f%2fwww.ncdc.noaa.gov%2fsotc%2fglobal%2f/RK=0/RS=sv4JdwENkPh3ezzi6OQKg_xltOg- I notice the warmist place was Central Africa, a place where there are the fewest temperature monitoring stations.

But according to UAH it was not that warm http://www.drroyspencer.com/wp-content/uploads/UAH_LT_1979_thru_June_2014_v5.png