> Why do AGW cultists like Hey Dook consider warmer weather as "global warming" and cooler weather or a really n

Why do AGW cultists like Hey Dook consider warmer weather as "global warming" and cooler weather or a really n

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Do AGW cultists ever claim that nice weather is caused by global warming considering every other weather pattern is caused by global warming?

Quote by Steven Guilbeault, Canadian environemental journalist and Greenpeace member: "Global warming can mean colder, it can mean drier, it can mean wetter."

What they really mean is agenda first, politics second and to heck with science.

Baccy baby, "Global warming is a long-term trend, but that does not mean that every year will be warmer than the previous one."

Will someone please inform Baccy that the temperature, according to the greenie theory, is directly related to the Earth's CO2 level. So according to his and Al Gore's theory the Earth's temperature should have risen for the last decade along with the CO2 level. These greenies kind of leave that out. Ha! Ha!

Yep that's about this size of it.

Every so called extreme weather event is due to global warming, but when the hurricane season is quiet, nobody takes note.

Of course, the village idiot has blocked me from his questions. That's a sure sign of a weak position. He can engage in name calling all he wants, but when it comes to legitimate debate he is nowhere to be seen.

Global warming is a long-term trend, but that does not mean that every year will be warmer than the previous one. Day to day and year to year changes in weather patterns will continue to produce some unusually cold days and nights, and winters and summers, even as the climate warms.

-- National Academy of Sciences

Climate Change Q&A


The Dookster doesn't understand that temperatures are directly related to sun activity. If it was constant, then he might have an elbow to lean on (not a leg to stand on).

Temperatures have steadily risen at about the same rate since 1880 (an average of 0.07C per decade if I round up) while CO2 rates have almost tripled since 1958 and that rate is still going up.

Just tell him to go grab his "banky" and go back to watching his "Global Warming Cartoon Network" and sucking his thumb. He's much more content there. He tends to break things when he's going through his temper tantrums.

Weather is something that happens at a smaller scale than climate, while deniers like to claim that "alarmists" make the suggestion that warmer climate can cause cooler weather, it's not really that hard to explain (unless your head is firmly buried in the sand/ignorance) Deniers for instance made much of the colder temperatures and snow received in the U.S. this winter just passed (while they tried quite hard to ignore what the rest of the world was doing) but they didn't want to hear that the Arctic was warmer than usual , pushing the polar vortex further South than usual, just as deniers also try to ignore that snow is not just a product of cold weather but also needs warm air to form.

Deniers also try to jump up and down and say "look the Antarctic sea ice is growing" and indeed it is (a little) But the sea ice is just a couple of meters thick, while the glacial ice behind it is 100's of meters to kilometers thick and it is melting adding fresh water to surrounding seas, fresh water turns to ice more easily than salt water, which helps sea ice to form, yet even as this one set of ice grows, all the other are shrinking, there are no massive glaciers to help the Arctic sea ice and it has lost a significant portion of it Summer size over the last 4 decades a change that looks like this.


Pretty hard to deny the difference, but I'm sure deniers will try.

As for Ian's point, I'm sure a warmer planet will certainly have places that get nicer weather, my own home (the island of Tasmania) has had consistently warmer weather over the last decade, we now have regular Indian Summers that extend well into April and even May, when temps climb to 20c, we have also become a little wetter (when traditionally we where one of the driest states in Australia, especially around Hobart (the Capital) We used to get a fall of snow in Hobart city about once every 4-5 years it is now close to 20 years since we had one of those.

Of course for all the nice 'weather' the simple physics of what warmth does to large bodies of water and ice are the counter point, that is borne out by the actual rise in sea level as thermal expansion and glacial ice melt adding to the worlds oceans. Deniers claim this is just the last ice age still contributing, but this is nonsense as we have data on historic sea level, it did rise strongly at the end of the last ice age but it then slowed in stages through 7000, 4000 and 2000 years ago pretty much stopping at 2000 years ago.


While deniers claim the current rise is both a continuation of the last ice age's end and tiny, at 3.16mm per year, this is in fact a return and a rather sudden one (in geologic terms) to the sorts of rise rates of 7000 years ago, in fact it is currently much fast than the rate then. The sea level between 7 & 4 thousand years ago rose ~3m over 3 thousand years our current rate would rise would (at the current rate) be 3m in just 1000 years, so the current rate is actually 3 time faster than the rate of 7000 years ago, does that really sound like a simple continuation.

Unless you can give a direct quote, I'm guessing that you're lying or your reading comprehension is faulty. Both of these are very common characteristics of deniers.

Alarmists NEVER credit 'climate change' for nice weather. They select weird weather (which has and always will occur somewhere on the planet) and claim it is caused and is proof of man made climate change.

I don't. And never said any such nonsense. Why do you lie so stupidly?

You are nothing but a lying hypocritical fool and anyone that thinks you could hold a candle to Hey Dook understanding of the problems we face is a fool and a idiot. Thanks for your foolishness to allow me to vent.

Hah look at mathematical genious Gary F babbling on with all his scientific gobbledygook speak, who does he think he is fooling

Do AGW cultists ever claim that nice weather is caused by global warming considering every other weather pattern is caused by global warming?