> Should global warming believers be banned from displaying their green flags?

Should global warming believers be banned from displaying their green flags?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Environmentalism is a religion. The Prius is a way for people to wear their religion on their sleeve.

False premise.

Religion is defined as" Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe." [1] Quite different from science which is defined as "The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena." [2]

With regard to "green flags" I don't have any flags to wave, green or otherwise, I value my freedom and when politicians do something wrong, I object to them hiding behind the flag. I do recognize that with this freedom comes a responsibility to others and I take that responsibility seriously. I also recognize that some people will "do wrong" and I am sad to say that there is a need for laws and enforcement of those laws. I want those laws to be based on reason and fairness rather then superstitions. Ideologist can sit around their flags at home or in public singing Kumbaya[3] and pray that people will not do evil, after all that is their right.

And to Jim Z. You can not put your religious symbols on or in government owned property (with the possible exception if you put symbols from all religions) because that would be unconstitutional [4] However you are quite correct that it is ideological of people like me to try and protect freedoms, protect other humans from harm and help those less fortunate and/or capable. I am guilty as charged.

1. Global warming is not a religion.

2. The study of climate change is a science.

3. It is, for the most part, only Christians that want government to show them favor over all other religions.

4. The study of religions is theology.

It appears that if anyone is being sucked into a religion it would be you with your blind faith that media commentators even know what they are talking about. Ignorance may in deed be bliss, but must you also treat it as if it is a virtue?

Truth Is, Global warming Is happening. Comparing It to religion Is just non-sense because you're going against many documented facts that proved global warming Is happening. No global warming believers shouldn't be banned from displaying their green flag just because you have concerned people that actually want better for this planet earth.

Actually, I've found that the ones that claim that it's a "religion" are most likely to be the ones without any scientific education. Care to share what yours is?

No I believe in free speech, and people being entitled to their own opinions.

otherwise we can go into book-burning, ideology control and other orwellian states.

I don't think global warming is the religion. Their leftist ideology is their religion and GW is just part of it and they are certainly more fervent about their beliefs than any other religion. We have a Constitution that is supposed to protect the right of religion but you are right, the lefties are at war with the Constitution and Christianity. They should not be allowed to ban any Christian symbols or green flags.

This explains the leftist religion better than I could.


Since global warming has become a religion like any other religion such as Christianity is it not offensive for the government to be supporting it? We do not allow the Christians to advertise their religion on public property. Today we have global warmist believers who have no scientific education who want to stone none believers and label them for the new crime of deniers. Is this not a mad religion that the governments of the first worlds have been sucked into like a religious cult from 1970?