> What would be the climate of the earth if human, who produced so much CO2, didn't exist?

What would be the climate of the earth if human, who produced so much CO2, didn't exist?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Well the atmospheric CO2 level I think everyone can agree would be lower and the temperature would be lower, although how much by, is of course debatable. As for if there would be more tornados, hurricanes, droughts, etc, I think that would be impossible to say, we’d have to have an identical Earth and carry out the experiment without emitting any CO2 into the atmosphere and see what course the climate would take.

All non solids like co2. gases,smoke, etc. that rises up into the upper atmosphere separate into nothingness by Natures chemicals so that the suns rays can warm earth's surfaces as our planet rotates, so plants grow to yield food and oxygen so all species can survive with or without people. Also Global Warming ended in 2012, confirmed. As is it will take time for nature to return to normal naturally everywhere, since our ozone has been warped for 34 years. Mike

About what it was in the early 1900s.

There was still some limited warming, coming out of the little ice age.

CO2 hadn't yet increased enough to have a significant effect.

And populations hadn't increased enough to clear large areas of rain forest.

What ever way God purposed it to be. Man cannot control the climate. This is a long know fact by the intelligent people on the Earth.