> What would be a term for population control in the form of?

What would be a term for population control in the form of?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
A government killing off a large body of their own people.

It's called Democricide! Hugely dangerous. Has killed 10's of millions in just the last 100 years.

Or a real threat I should say.

EDIT:Just looked it up. I guess I was wrong.

Not sure what you would call it. If you can think of good name for it you can make it a real actual officially recognized word.

Genocide is the specific killing of a group for reasons of ethnicity or race. That doesn't sound like it applies for this question.

Democide is a more general term which is a government conducting the killing but includes more reasons than genocide like any other political reason to eliminate a group.

Genocidal tyranny


Genocide is "the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group"

politicide, democide as practiced in Cambodia, strangely enough by the Hard Left, same folk who believe in Global Warming.


Could be 'genocide'.



A government killing off a large body of their own people.