> What species are likely to become extinct first due to global warming?

What species are likely to become extinct first due to global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

I can't pinpoint specifics, but the most likely candidates in general will be species that have some combination of the following attributes:

1. Small populations. The fewer individuals you have, the more likely you are to go extinct under stress, whatever the stress

2. Island species. Either literal islands (bodies of land in water), or any other environment that is a small patch of one type of territory surrounded by some very different territory, such as the "sky island" mountains that are much cooler and wetter than the surrounding Arizona desert. Most species adapt to climate change primarily by moving to a new place that has the conditions they're used to, and species living there are less likely to be able to find a suitable habitat to move to.

3. Species that don't move or disperse well. Long-lived sessile organisms, like trees or corals, obviously can't pick up and move, and they may not be able to disperse progeny to the now-suitable habitats.

4. Specialists. Any species that requires a really weird or specialized habitat, such as Venus fly traps, may not be able to find a new place with suitable conditions, because such a place may no longer exist.

5. Arctic species. Not only are they specialists whose habitat type is essentially vanishing, but the Arctic in particular is changing more quickly than most other areas.

The most threatened species is likely the IPCC Lead Author. By threatened, I don’t mean bodily or extinction, just ceasing to exist in their current form. They will devolve into soldier activists, poster boy for ill-conceived slander litigation, or worse a Presidential nominee

Climate scientists might go extinct because people are waking up to their nonsense and scare tactics. They do this so they can continue to bilk the taxpayers of the world, like they have for the last 30 years.

What global warming? It's been cooling for at least 12 years according to HadCrut3 & 4.


According to RSS Satellite data there has been no warming for almost 18 year.

It’s very difficult to say with any degree of certainty why any particular species becomes extinct. Quite often it’s a combination of factors that combine to bring about the extinction. It’s only when there’s a catastrophic of sudden change in environmental conditions that we can conclusively point the finger at a specific cause. One example being the introduction of cats to an island that subsequently kill all examples of a bird species, as happened with the Stephens Island wren.

The American Taxpayer

NONE. We do not have at present any global warming there has been no rise in temperatures for nearly 18yrs, plus flora and fauna are more adaptable than we think, very few species were lost due to the ice ages and if they can survive that, nothing we can do to the climate will bother them.

Species lost to climate change so far ZERO.

The supporters of the 'Global Warming' scam!

None , any species that fragile has already been made extinct by the medieval warm period.

-- pure logic

That's easy......None!

I'm hoping liberals.