> What product should I invent that could prevent harsh climate?

What product should I invent that could prevent harsh climate?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Why don't you try with a synthetic Galaxy and a space tunnel leading to it. If the first step is a single solar system, you could invent the proper climate for the planet you want to inhabit.


They convert carbon dioxide and water into cellulose and oxygen.

They also redistribute ground water into vapour to moisten the air, making it more comfortable to breathe and gentler on other plants.

Their fallen leaves decompose into a form of ground carbon that binds water to the soil making it available to crops, rather than running out to sea.

The feedback effect on other organisms, from bacteria to elephants is overwhelmingly benign, and a treed landscape enables and enhances a wide range of life, including our own species.

They offer shade when the sun is harsh.

They soften the light and are very pretty to look at.

Wood has a wide range of uses, and is stored ready to hand, safe inside the tree for centuries until we need it, or harvested every dozen years or so.

Only if you are a gangster or big business are trees just green things that get in the way, and best wiped from the face of the Earth.

So, if you can invent something artificial that does the same as a tree, but better, then go ahead with it.

1. Underwater community. http://world-visits.blogspot.com/2011/07...

2. OTEC http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OTEC

would generate usable power for cities while cooling the ocean's surface. This cooling could take some of the energy out of cyclones. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tropical_cy...

To some extent, it could also short circuit the Thermohaline Circulation, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Thermo...

and to the extent that the Thermohaline Circulation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermohalin...

is responsible for Bond Events, also short circuit Bond Events. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bond_event

Theoretically, it could also dampen the Gulf Stream, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulf_Stream...

which could also dampen the ocean climate of Europe. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oceanic_cli...

leading to a little ice age. http://www.pnas.org/content/97/4/1339.sh...

As an alternative to nuclear power, OTEC could prevent black rain. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_fal...

3. There are many other geoengineering schemes to control the climate, [3] but they all suffer from the end result being possibly worse than what would have happened otherwise. [3a]

4. Wind Farms are known to dampen wind. [4]

5. Many believe that afforestation prevents drought. [5]

If I were to give you an idea for an invention and you were to actually build it, I could later sue for the design because it was my idea that you took.

Invention requires imagination of your own.

Microbes that eat CO2.

Sounds crazy, but oops, it's already being done. In the news today that it could be a power source too.


A coat.

Edit Elmbeard.

You missed out that they burn really well (renewable energy source).

There's nothing you can do to change the earth's climate.It's a cycle,that will continue as it always has.
