> Is it possible to keep the world population under control?

Is it possible to keep the world population under control?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
i want write environmental studies.. So pls anyone tell me the answer...

Yes, But Education is necessary. Now what the population which has gone up will not come down very soon like Sugar level.So the further population can be controlled.Following the Family Planning is very important.

In India some states people to get one boy child give birth to many girl child unless/otherwise they get boy child. Some kill girl childs, Government never takes steps to control population due to which the development and poverty always collapses.

Possible has a specific meaning as does "under control". Just about anything is possible but it may be extremely unlikely. All populations of animals are controlled by food supply and other factors as well. If you want governments to control populations, they can only do it with a strong fist and even then, as in China, it doesn't work that well. Those societies that are wealthy and educated tend to be "under control" such as in America or Europe. Those populations that are poor and uneducated tend to be out of control. If they don't get their populations under control, they will eventually be controlled by other factors such as availability of food.

Rahul is right about education It is a proven fact that women with education have less children by choice instead of having the choice forced on them.

A combination of education as well as birth control availability and reproductive health care are the solution to population control.

Prosperity and Education level are the only proven method for reduced birth rate and population stability. All other methods and the multitude of attempts lead either to mass genocide or severe human rights and freedom problems.

Go to CIA website and produce trend line of either GDP or poverty rates vs birth rates in a sampling of nations.

Energy sequestration either through taxation or rationing only leads to greater poverty and less education.

There are many theories that explains population growth and control. But the most acceptable one is as follows,

There are many stages of population

1. High birth rate - High death rate

2. High birth rate - Low death rate

3. Birth rate equals death rate

4. Death rate is more than birth rate

In stage 1, There are more births but equally there are more number of deaths. i.e., the population remains almost same or very slow growth rate. Most African countries are still in this stage. It is said that all countries experienced this stage when medical service was still at primitive level. As death rate is more due to disease, malnutrition and poor medical services contribute to high death rate. So people tend to give birth to more children so that at least few will survive.

In Stage 2, Due to improvement in medical service, spread of education etc. death rate will come down. But still people tend to give birth to more children as that was the practice till the previous generation. Indian states of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar are in stage 2 where birth rate exceeds death rate.

In Stage 3, People would start realize that child's survival rate had gone up and tend to stop with 2 children. So two parents have 2 children. Birth rate and death rate are equal. Tamil Nadu and Kerala exhibit this stage in population growth. Spread of education is the main reason for two child norm. Also with advancement in medical service and food security child's survival rate increases. These two states have good education level, good medical infrastructure and more importantly food security (mid day meals scheme) and children are properly nourished. At this stage population is said to have achieved replacement level.

In Stage 4, People would have become more educated, career oriented and survival rate is high. For example in developed countries, Infant Mortality Rate and Maternal Mortality Rate was very low. So people would stop having more children. So population tend to decrease. It is said that most European nation will experience severe shortage of working man power (15 years - 65 years) in near future as they are in stage 4.

Remember there might be few exceptions in all the cases. But mostly every country will experience these trend. Apart from this, migration, immigration, catastrophes, education level, environmental condition, resource availability also plays an important role in deciding population trend.

Apart from these compulsory child norm may influence population control like it did in China. It is estimated that world population will reach 10 Billion. By that time most countries would have experienced all the stages and population growth will show a negative trend, i.e., will start decreasing.

Things will take care of themselves as

1. Sperm count is becoming low

2. People are marrying late.

3. Gays and lesbians are now acceptable.

no that under control of world people

Yes, if all the religions that do not believe in family planning, get their followers stick to a two-child norm.

The North Koreans are working on the problem.

Genocide would be very much EnvironMental idea.

i want write environmental studies.. So pls anyone tell me the answer...

Possible, yes.

Probable, no. There are just too many groups that profit from the status quo right now.

Not possible for one person.

Possible if every body wants to make it possible.

wrong category