> What do you say to people who point to the excessively cold weather as evidence against global warming?

What do you say to people who point to the excessively cold weather as evidence against global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I'm not as read on climate science as I'd like to be, unfortunately.

The climate is the average of all weather events over a period of at least 30 years. As such, it is necessary to look at trends over long periods of time before drawing any conclusions regarding the climates.

There always has been and always will be extreme weather events, global warming does not mean the whole world becomes a warm and pleasant place to live. It means that the average global temperature has increased, thus if it’s –50°F outside then it would have been –51.5°F were it not for global warming.

Furthermore, the cold weather is restricted to comparatively small parts of the planet. Whilst North America is shivering, there are record-breaking heatwaves in Australia and South America whilst in Europe temperatures have been above normal for several months with almost no snowfall so far this winter.

There is no physical mechanism that allows for the rapid loss or gain of heat within the Earths systems. If one part of the world is cold it’s because the heat has moved to another part of the world. On a daily, weekly, monthly, seasonal or annual basis three is almost no change in the overall average global temperature. Regionally there can be huge variations but because Earth is largely a closed system there are never any significant global temperature changes; anything in excess of 0.2°C from one year to the next is unusual. Global warming/cooling is something that manifests itself over decades or centuries with small but cumulative changes from year to year.

The name was changed years ago from Global Warming to Global Climate Change.

Not everywhere is going to be warmer, some places will experience colder climates.

Weather does not contradict Climate.

Those who still try simply do not understand the difference between the two.

Weather is short-term, climate is long-term.

Also, lots of people also wrongly assume that lots of snowfall somehow contradicts climate change. It doesn't. It just means that there was more moisture in the air, moisture which could only have gotten there with warmer temperatures. The polar regions where usually it is extremely cold rarely see snowfall which goes to show that cold alone does not mean it will snow.

If this becomes a trend versus an event then it would be an arguement against global warming. Given last years winter for europe and the csouthern hemisphere it may be, but we need a few more years of data before this is meaningful one way or the other.

You can say that they are correct. It is evidence to be weighed against other evidence.

Or you can say that some cold weather does not outweigh warming elsewhere.

You should not say that the cold weather is evidence in favor of global warming.

In my small part of the globe, I point out that it was colder most of last week than it is expected to get during this "excessively cold weather" that is being predicted. In fact, the excessively cold weather is going to be above normal temperatures in the northeast US.

Science proves that global warming is a fact; look at all the studies and also elapsed footage of glaciers melting a s**t ton. People who deny it are just ignorant

I joke about "global warming my ars*" but that's because I live in Winterpeg Manisnowba.

I know damn well our Manitoban polar bears are starving to death because the sea ice ain't there when it should be.

The fact of the matter is that global warming is misleading, it's more like climate change.

GW scientists have been predicting extreme weather as a result of GW including cold temps and snow since the 90s

The global warming myth has been debunked - by the global warming researchers themselves.


As Its Global Warming Narrative Unravels, The IPCC Is In Damage Control Mode


'According to most climate models, we should have seen temperatures rise by around 0.25 degrees Celsius (0.45 degrees Fahrenheit) over the past 10 years. That hasn’t happened. In fact, the increase over the last 15 years was just 0.06 degrees Celsius (0.11 degrees Fahrenheit) — a value very close to zero,” Storch told der Spiegel. “This is a serious scientific problem that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will have to confront when it presents its next Assessment Report late next year.”

@ questionguy - People who just look at footage of icebergs melting in the summer and ignore the FACT there's been virtually no warming of our climate GLOBALLY for the past 15 years are the ignorant ones. Just saying.

I'm not as read on climate science as I'd like to be, unfortunately.

Not much because they will likely also be not be read up on climate science.

You say they are right.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Next time you see them when its realy hot or unusually warm tell them "Damn, I thought you told me Global Warming was a myth?"

change in weather does not equal change in climate

There is no cold, it is all an hallucination. The Earth is boiling, everywhere.

"The Earth has a fever!"

jeez, you are smarter than any liberal. that is what I say.