> What are your views on the global warming 2?C cap debate - Rahmstorf vs Victor+Kennel?

What are your views on the global warming 2?C cap debate - Rahmstorf vs Victor+Kennel?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

I'm not sure that I like a 2?C cap.

The problem with it is that, if we stopped adding CO2 to the atmosphere today, I don't think we know how much additional warming there will be.

It may well be the case that when we get to 1?C warming, then 2?C will already be unavoidable.

Looking at that, I think I tend to agree with Victor+Kennel.

It seems like two different ways of measuring something that is not happening (that is, doing something about global warming). I do like Charlie Kennel, though--I walk down a street named after him all the time.

Victor+Kennel talk about temperatures since 1998, which is a favorite year which denialists like to use for cherry picking.

So far, we have only demonstrated that we have the power to mindlessly impact climate – but, whacking a car engine with a sledgehammer is a long way from being a mechanic (unless you are a “true” mechanic, I suppose).
