> What are the effects of recycling?

What are the effects of recycling?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Recycling sounds good but you need to be careful. It is not always good.

A good example would be the recycling of aluminium cans. If you run a bar that sells hundreds of drinks in cans that it will usually be a good idea to recycle those cans. Aluminium takes a lot of energy to make so that energy could be saved.

A bad example would be to recycle paper by taking each used sheet to a recycling point in a separate car journey. The pollution caused by the car journey and the energy used will outweigh any possible benefits from the recycling.

So, rather than just saying "recycling is good" you need to do the "cost benefit" analysis as well.

Recycling saves energy. The manufacture of new products from “virgin materials” the amount of energy needed is much higher than using recycled materials. The energy and resources that are expended in the transportation of “virgin” materials is also saved.

Obviously, it can reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills and incinerators;

Conserves natural resources such as timber, water, and minerals;

Prevents pollution by reducing the need to collect new raw materials;

Saves energy; Reduces greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global climate change and more.

Generally a waste of time that makes people feel good that they are doing something nice for the planet.

Savings 4all

we prevent less things being burned at huge trash sites because when they burn things all the carbon from the ash goes to the atmosphere

i get money for my old beer cans