> What are the distructive effects of climate change?

What are the distructive effects of climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Desertification, Floods, Torrential rains, Drought etc and learning to search the web will give you more


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Depends on how the climate is changing. Since you are posting in global warming, we'll assume you mean that. It still depends on the amount of warming. Given that basic science tells us that doubling CO2 produces 1.2C of global warming, and that Nature is likely to moderate that, I'll say the answer is none.

No credible, unfalsified, scientific data exists that supports destructive climate change effects.

Here's a nice list of the positive and negative (mostly negative) effects of global warming: http://www.skepticalscience.com/global-w...

None , zero , improbable.