> Have you noticed climate change in your area?

Have you noticed climate change in your area?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
just plain and simple folks

no leftist or rightistt comments please



Edit john.

You should perhaps notice in the data that temperature rose from 1900 untill about 1970, and the trend has been declining since. Here is the closest co2 measurement data.


Notice that the trends are opposite from 1970 onwards?

You might want refer to this too.


Yes. Lived in Germany near the city of Frankfurt, the area is called Rhine-Main and has around 4 Mio people, its is surrounded by hills 600 - 1200 feet high. My family lives there since 1850.

During this period a lot of industry moved in, car traffic increased, population grew significantly.

My father has a diary and when he died I checked it. In the 1920's there was significant colder winters, they went skiing every winter until Eastern (8 out of 10). Today we have a strong winter 2 - 3 times per decade.

I spend a lot of vacations in the Alp Mountains, there are Cottages from the Alpine Club: when you see pictures from around 1880 - 1920 you see there was no vegetation around the cabins and today there are even trees, also pictures from Glaciers where much closer to the cottages and they have heavily retreated. Two of smaller glaciers which were near a cottage I spend 2 holidays 20 years ago are gone now.

In some areas in Europe the effects are clearly visible and within 20 - 30 years.

The picture below shows one of the largest glaciers in Austria (Pasterze/Grossglockner), the sign says: "Position of Glacier in 1990" and that is how far it has retreated, the small points are humans !

It is freakin' scary !

Minor changes, but yes. The flowering of plants is occurring and little sooner. I am mowing my yard a little earlier in the year and a little later in the year than before. Migratory birds have began to arrive a little sooner than in the past. Drought conditions are more frequent and getting deeper than in the past. As a side note, I am in my 60's so I have had a few decades to observe conditions here.

DaveH - Should you look at the graphic that you linked you will observe about a 1 degree Celsius warming for your area since the early 1900's. You may not have noticed any change, but the temperature data for your area certainly has.

Some years are a bit wetter, some a bit dryer, same as 3 decades ago.

Some summers have a few weeks of very hot days in a row e.g. 36 to around 40 degrees; Same as 3 decades ago. Some winters seem to be milder some colder; Same as 3 decades ago.

I'd define that as re-occurring changes in weather patterns rather than climate change.

Just had the hottest summer on record here.

"Perth Metro's mean daily maximum temperature for summer 2012/2013 was 32.3 °C, which was the hottest summer on record since record commenced in 1897, exceeding the previous record of 32.0°C set on summers of 2010/2011, 2009/2010, and 1977/1978. "


Only the political climate

I have lived on boats in the Caribbean the last 40 years.

If sea level is changing, it is not apparent.

John pretends to have noticed "change". It is all in his head of coarse. He sees what he wants to see and it has no bearing on reality. Anecdotal claims can be found for just about anything and everything in any given direction and the ignorant really believe it means something. I remember a friend of mine was convinced he could feel the ozone layer thinning. People simply can't tell the difference between one or two degrees. They just think they can.

yes today is suddenly change the climate...... today is climate is good but after 10 minutes wind is came very fast.

no. weather comes in patterns. global warming was invented by al gore. everyday natural volcanos emit more carbon into the atmosphere than every car ever made combined.

just plain and simple folks

no leftist or rightistt comments please

Yes. Spring then Summer then Fall then Winter.

No just the pattern of Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall .

nothing unusual .



It keeps getting colder.

Yes, new records every year.

Yes. One day it is cold, one day not so cold, then one day it is warmer. Who can figure?

Yes, it's been unusually cold for years...

Not really.