> Is the recent Arctic like weather In North America due to a decrease in U.S. CO2 emissions?

Is the recent Arctic like weather In North America due to a decrease in U.S. CO2 emissions?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Now this might be a ridiculous question, but I am expecting even more ridiculous answers

Of course not. It doesn't work like a thermostat. it would be cool if it did - but it doesn't.


Michael --

>>All non solids that rise into the upper atmosphere separate by nature into nothingness<<

C'mon man! No one is that stupid.

You are right about one thing. It is a ridiculous question. And no, unless U. S. carbon dioxide emissions (actually, global) could become a negative number, its atmospheric concentration is still increasing.

the drop in US emissions is a drop in the bucket compared to worldwide total, so No. You might want to look at how the warming arctic is influencing the polar jet stream.

It means its metrological Winter even though 12 21 is the calender date start of winter .

It's due to exactly what was predicted by those who study such things- the jet streams dips and rises are going further south and further north, the waves are getting bigger and they are moving west to east slower.

Well, we do have a carbon tax in British Columbia where I live and I'm freezing my *** off. Coincidence? I bet you deniers would like to think so.

BULL= All non solids that rise into the upper atmosphere separate by nature into nothingness, like co2, exhaust, gases, smoke, etc. and last year Global warming ended in 2012. This information is fact. Mike

Now this might be a ridiculous question, but I am expecting even more ridiculous answers