> To "Climate Change" People: 50% of glaciers have melted in the past 10 years -- and yet why are my townspeople

To "Climate Change" People: 50% of glaciers have melted in the past 10 years -- and yet why are my townspeople

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The fact that you feel great has little to do with climate change at this particular point. Medical science, a strong economy, adequate food, etc are apparently good for you. Later if things continue, both the economy and the availability of food may change however. It's fine to "sing in the sunshine", but if you don't prepare for a "rainy day" your future or your children's future may not be so enjoyable. You'll need to look past the end of your nose to plan for a good tomorrow.

Glaciers are a very important source of stable drinking water. But perhaps your town is being supplied with water by one of the 50% of glaciers that is still intact.

New technology, and yes, some of this new technology requires energy. But energy =/= fossil fuels. This energy can also come from clean sources, such as solar, hydro and nuclear power.

It isn't because global warming isn't happening, nor is there any evidence that it is because of global warming. Earth has barely warmed by 1 degree C, since 1880. Why are cold winters suddenly a surprise?

Climate change is a big thing, and like many big things it takes a long time to show its effect.

It's like Titanic took hours to sink after it hit that iceberg. For the first few hours hardly any of the passengers realised it was going to sink. The captain did though, because he had oversight and understanding.

He's a bit like the scientists who can tell what's going on in the long term even though for us ordinary folk who (like Titanic's passengers) can't really tell.

Glaciers are rather cold structures that aren't particularly conducive to life. If you are an ice hugger, then I suppose you look forward to more ice but most organisms simply try to survive the cold. Glaciers typically form in the upper elevations and melt when in the lower elevations. When it is warmer, they tend to melt higher up in elevation. The point is, they melt every year. Sometimes the terminus migrates up when precipitation is down and or temperature is up and the terminus can migrate down when precip is high and/or temp is down. After re-reading that, there were lots of ups and downs in that last sentence.

Yea, glaciers once covered New York City. They started to recede 10,000 years ago and are still receding. Why do you think the glaciers should be the same for the rest of the earths history?

I can't give insight for something so silly. If it makes you feel any better, you don't have to believe climate change is man-made, but there is no denying it is happening.

Glad you're feeling so great, though.

The changes seen yet to date are rather small. It is the future that is the issue. Go do some fact checking, most of what you say is not true.

You're just happy because the land in the mountains that you bought cheaply can soon be sold as beach-front property.

people just try to forget about climate change sometimes

Because how you feel is utterly unrelated to the global climate.

To "Climate Change" People: 50% of glaciers have melted in the past 10 years -- and yet why are my townspeople and I feeling great, healthy, vibrant, and strong? Why are my townspeople and I enjoying life to the fullest. How could this be possible if "Man-Made Climate Change" has been destroying the earth? Why are we living better quality lives? Please give me some insight?