> If climate scientists agree that human caused global warming like co2 are irreversible what is the point?

If climate scientists agree that human caused global warming like co2 are irreversible what is the point?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It is an interesting dilemma. One of the issues is the desire for solid answers, but there are uncertainties-there are no absolutes yet, although some on both sides of the issue have made up their minds and that has contributed to the political paralysis, at least in the U.S. Of course, here we are also trying to cope with the obstructionist tactics employed by both major parties, for many years now and used pretty effectively by whichever party is out of power to undermine the one that is, sadly to the detriment of the entire country.

That being said, the question is whether AGW is truly irreversible (which would imply that one of the many "tipping points" have indeed passed) or if some of the worst effects can be avoided either short or long term-other uncertainties as the possible outcomes are studied. There is certainly a wide range of opinion on specifics, although the disputes over climate change and warming itself seem to be moderating somewhat, despite some of the opinions expressed here and elsewhere.

As a layman myself with some education in science but no credentials or expertise in climate science, I reserve judgment on AGW itself but lean toward the evidence presented to date and the theory that mankind is influencing climate. With that disclaimer I do comment on the more peripheral issues, your question being one of them that is a very important consideration; how do we manage the risk inherent in AGW with the uncertainties that climate science itself acknowledges? I am certainly skeptical of many of the proposals put forward and am concerned about unintended consequences including geopolitical and economic. And I am also a capitalist, despite accusations to the contrary from some...so there is a conflict in my own outlook that I constantly have to examine based on the most objective and up to date information I can find while the body politic and media sensationalize the issue. That subjective opinion and absolutism makes it more difficult to determine what is truly objective, but there are some individuals and sources that are more reliable than others as far as really examining the state of the research and data. Without naming names, there are several individuals here on both sides of the issue who are interested in objectivity and ask questions or comment in such a way as to address the issue itself as well as related issues-such as this one-rather than being mired in the superheated emotional and political argument.

It must be that special kind of CO2 molecule that is different than all the other CO2 molecules which existed when atmospheric concentrations were well over 1000 PPM in the past. These new human caused CO2 molecules even though they are identical in every discernible way to every natural CO2 molecule are more powerful and more destructive and caustic than anything found in the natural world. Not because they are exactly the same as the natural counterparts but because they are the product of evil vile libt*rd hated humanity. This is why historical references to naturally high variations of atmospheric CO2 concentrations in the past are irrelevant to the average AGW cultist. That new human created CO2 molecule is going to doom us all while the natural one nobody gives a damn about.

I read a book called liberal fascism (Jonah Goldberg, great book). Back in the 1920s, fascism was embraced by the progressives but now they pretend that fascists were right wing.

The eco-fascists pushing AGW are a continuation of the other fascists only this time they are using the environment instead of Nationalism to push their brand of Marxism. They have to exaggerate the consequences of our CO2 emissions or they would be ignored. They have to exaggerate their knowledge of the consequences of they would be ignored.

What happens is that after sufficient time has passed, their lies become exposed and then they end up making fools of themselves and getting downright vicious to any who are properly skeptical of their now obviously exaggerated claims.

Our unilateral CO2 reductions and attacks on our energy sector are certainly being welcomed by China. Our reductions which are probably the result of Obama's economic policies rather than well intentioned reductions in CO2. In other words, I doubt he cares if he leaves a path of destruction to our economy as long as he gets his redistribution and dependence on government. Hopefully those policies aren't irreversible. That is the real threat.

The climate is not as sensitive to CO2 as they are claiming. Start there and understand that "Climate Change" is only a "change" in terms. It's a "change" from "Global Warming" so that any seemingly abnormal change can be construed as being human-caused. Temperatures have not been very sensitive to "ever-growing" CO2 levels simply because there are too many other factors that "effect" temperature fluctuations and CO2 is a very tiny and miniscule player in the BIG SCHEME of things.

It's (CO2) part of the "essential" (very important) carbon cycle, which is the basis of all of life here on Earth, so it will be around "at least a couple of years".

The point is not to do any more damage. Imagine if you smoked heavily and you started to get breathless and the dr told you that it was irreversable, but if you stopped it wouldnt get worse, would you stop smoking or continue til you died? Sadly it looks like the world isnt going to stop getting polluted. And even if global warming isnt caused by carbon dioxide, there are still so many other types of pollution from cars, factories etc

It is not about the climate, it is politics, because like it or not CO2 is going to continue rising, China has already passed the US in CO2 emissions and India is ramping up to do the same.

So it would make sense spending money to adapt to it, rather prevent further emissions, why they don't do that, well climate change doesn't seem to be happening, no rise in global temperatures for 17yrs 9mths, no dramatic rise in sea levels (if it was'nt for tides and waves, you could go to the beach, stand close to the sea and you would not get wet feet if you waited 50yrs) but that does not stop them from ranting on about climate change, and trying pass regulations and taxes, it's politics and gaining more control.

Nobody is trying to reverse or even stop the effects from getting worse. We are now only talking about whether to try to slow the rate of acceleration so that future generations have a chance to adapt and improve technologies to mitigate.

Back in the 1920

We can choose how much global-warming-causing pollution we want to emit.

We can choose to have lots of global warming, or only a bit of global warming. But once we've decided to emit the CO2, it's effectively irreversible until we absorb the CO2 from the atmosphere somehow.

Your car is speeding out of control and a crash is inevitable. Do you keep the accelerator floored until you hit or ease back on the throttle? Why or why not?

Remember to show your work.

trying to reverse them?

In the context of climate variation, anthropogenic factors are human activities which affect the climate. The scientific consensus on climate change is "that climate is changing and that these changes are in large part caused by human activities,"[52] and it "is largely irreversible."[53

52. America's Climate Choices: Panel on Advancing the Science of Climate Change; National Research Council (2010). Advancing the Science of Climate Change. Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press. ISBN 0-309-14588-0.

53. Susan Solomon, Gian-Kasper Plattner, Reto Knutti, and Pierre Friedlingstein (2009). "Irreversible climate change due to carbon dioxide emissions". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America) 106 (6): 1704–9. Bibcode:2009PNAS..106.1704S. doi:10.1073/pnas.0812721106. PMC 2632717. PMID 19179281.

They do NOT all agree, so this question is meaningless. At least hundreds of independent scientists find themselves in a dissenting position..on the "myth" of AGW.

Ha! Ha! The only scientists who agree are political hacks like James Hansen who is now a full time Communist activist. Get real!

I'm not convinced the effects are irreversible, but even if they were the answer to your question should be obvious: to not make things worse.

I mean really, are you that stupid that you couldn't have answered your question yourself?

The situation will be getting worse and worse. That is the meaning of irreversible.

In coming years, much more disaster due to extreme climate will happen.


Revelation 9:6 Therefore in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it, and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.

(That was lessons from Industrial Revolution during 18th and 19th centuries.)

Global warming is BEYOND a myth. It is

bold-faced LIE LIE LIE fostered upon us by the globalists.=20

If pseudo-scientists, statesmen, politicians, university

"professors" {Romans 1:22!!!! } can cause a

panic, then the public will naturally obey whatever an evil

government will tell them to do to be "secure and have

food to eat". =20

Fact is, it is just a LIE to foster upon us a carbon tax

and make us more and more subservient to the government. =20

All liars constantly change their lies. You had better

remember that one. It will keep an awful lot of what you

see and hear in proper perspective. First the liars called

it "global warming" When that didn't fool

enough souls, they began calling it "climate

change". When the public began seeing through that,

they called "climate catastrophes". Now they are

thinking up another name for it.

There are many proofs that nail the coffin on

"global warming". One of the biggest was that

so-called infallible university observatory shot out an

e-mail to their dupes, oops, I mean "students" to

suppress any and all evidence and proof that there was no

global warming or even questioning of global warming.

- CO2 is essential to life. These are not scientists

who say "CO2 and greenhouse gases" !!! CO2 is

essential to life. ALL plant life absorb CO2 (carbon

dioxide) and convert CO2 in to O2 (oxygen). You would not

be able to breathe without the trees and plants.

- There is always a logical explanation as to what is

happening or appears to be occurring. The Lord takes care

of this earth. HE created it; he takes care of it. =20

Remember when Rush Limbaugh told us that the oil from the BP

spill would evaporate? It did, didn't it? We

didn't have the means to scoop it all up or entrap the

oil. It evaporated. Al Gore and all of his professional

liars were evil and wrong when they said the Gulf Stream

would be polluted and Great Britain would freeze to death,

etc. Recently I learned why, in 1909, the Arctic explorers

said the ice sheet is disappearing and the world is coming

to an end. The globalist, communist liars have been saying

the same thing since 1989. Dong! Why is it happening? =20

There are VOLCANOES beneath the Arctic Ocean. Volcanoes are

hot. Hence, any six year old can tell you that the ice

sheet will get less thick when the VOLCANOES are active and

get thicker when the volcanoes go dormant.

- Remember that liberals will always LIE to you. And I

do mean ALWAYS. I've been on the road and have

travelled. And I can tell you for a FACT that liberals

ALWAYS LIE. Remember that the tiniest untruth makes the

entire statement a LIE. Liberals will tell you to believe

your own eyes. So the ice is falling in to the Antarctic

Ocean. WHY would that mean that Antarctica is getting

warmer? It's COLD in Antarctica. Don't visit in

your short sleeves. It's COLD in Antarctica. It SNOWS

a lot. There is so much SNOW that the ice sheet cannot hold

it all. So some of that massive amount of snow is going to

obey the law of gravity. What's so difficult about


- The lying liberal - communist - globalist -

environmentalist communist will always LIE to you. =20


QUEBEC, MANITOBA and see for yourself. ALL all all of the

natives will look at you like you are the dumbest, silliest

imbecile on the planet if you tell them that the polar bear

population is shrinking. The polar bears reproduce just as

all the animals. And there NEVER NEVER NEVER were penguins

in the Northwest Territories of Canada. The penguins did

NOT NOT NOT have to emigrate to Antarctica because of

"warming". Sheesh! The environmental commies

will attempt to brainwash you in to believing any thing.

- One of the very few things jolly old England has done

right in the past century and a quarter was a judge ruled

that the public schools in Great Britain could not show a

movie by AL Gore UNLESS at least ELEVEN - YES ELEVEN - OF

THE LIES LIES LIES that were uttered in the blasphemous film

were broken down, explained and exposed. Would to the

Lord that we had one decent judge in our country. Just

one. That's all I ask. Just one. Do I see one with

courage and honesty? Just one.

- There was no "greenhouse gases" emitted in the Middle Ages. Yet the earth was a lot warmer than now. I remember being taught in school that the Vikings misnamed Iceland to Greenland. But the southern tip of Greenland was really green when the Vikings discovered Greenland. Gradually, the climate became colder until the southern tip could no longer grow their crop yields by 1337 A.D.

- You cannot "pollute the planet" !!!!!! This earth and it atmosphere is so enormous none of us can comprehend it. In 1989, I was sitting in a restaurant

having breakfast when a liberal spewed out that Exxon was

polluting the beautiful green and wild life of Alaska. A

real estate professional roared with uncontrollable

laughter. He laughed, crying out "do you know how many

coves there are in Alaska"? If you would stop to

think for just two minutes, you would realize what I knew

Rhode Island is an enormous place. Don't attempt to

walk across it, either north south or west east. Yet 145

Rhode Islands would fit in to Texas. Two and one half

Texas' would fit in to Alaska. Four Alaskas would fit

in to Siberia. Thirteen Siberiae would fit in to the

Pacific Ocean. I had thought it was four until I did my

research. The earth is three times the size of the

Pacific. The ocean is TWO MILES deep in some places and

three, four, five, six and nearly SEVEN MILES deep in one

place. The atmosphere extends 350 miles straight up. Now

you think about all that for the next 40 years or longer.=20

To think that we could pollute the atmosphere or cause

'warming" of the earth or the oceans or the

atmosphere is patently absurd. Man is far to puny to

pollute our behemoth planet. This earth could feed

somewhere between 50 and 150 BILLION souls. In Siberia,

you could walk SIX THOUSAND miles and not see a solitary soul.

I've been to Shanghai: population 26 million. In the western portion, I

encountered several long minutes when I did not see a solitary

soul. Cebu is a narrow island and province in the

Philippines. There are mountains that extend the entire

central portion of the island. Cebu city is crowded as is

the countryside. Yet I encountered a large section of

countryside in which I did not see a solitary soul. You

see the lying liberal-sodomite-globalist- enviro eco-terror

PRESS has been brainwashing you for your entire life. You

will be shocked when you learn that the LIES they have

impugned upon you are just that. Did you know that there

are MORE trees on every continent now with the possible

exception of Europe as of 1997 than in 1620? Pretty

amazing, isn't it? Did you know that nuclear power is

the SAFEST type of power? I could go on 24 hours a day for

the next six months.

What did that idiot Karl Marx say? Oh yeah! "Know how to destroy capitalism? Create the science of ecology." Think about that one for the next 40 years. What a wonderful world this would be if any one said "go green", "recycle", "environmentally sound", "don't pollute", "control population", "animal rights' were to be tried, and if convicted put to death?