> Which is more believable, a copycat poster of climate science denial, who blocks those who expose his nonsense, or the m

Which is more believable, a copycat poster of climate science denial, who blocks those who expose his nonsense, or the m

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Gee, I see mainstream science has 2 thumbs down.

We must be in creation science class today.

Hey, we have a family history handed down.

I gotta go see who rode dinosaurs to work.

That's a lovely picture.

Cleaning up after horses was not the most pleasant job around.

Cleaning up after dinosaurs must's been ... way aromatic.

Hmmm, I wonder if they had a pedestrian problem?

And who cleaned that up?

Maybe a very large putty knife.

Could be the same folks that did the cleaning mentioned earlier ... all biodegradable.

Mainstream science wins. YouTube videos compiled by skeptics do not count as evidence of anything except in the minds of conspiracy theorists.

A copycat poster of climate science realism, obviously.

Believable by whom? Deniers swallow this nonsense

Mainstream science, of course.