> Are AGW cultist alarmists entitled to be hypocrites?

Are AGW cultist alarmists entitled to be hypocrites?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
No what is hypocritical is having these modern conveniences and denying the third world countries access to cheap energy, forcing them to burn wood and animal dung, causing them to have many children so as to work the land, concern about the environment only happens when you have food in your belly.

That's sort of like asking 'if you believe animals should not be mistreated, are you a hypocrite for not adopting every animal down in the local shelter'?

I like my standard of living. The question I ask is how can we maintain that standard of living, improve the standard of living across the world, and do it without relying as heavily on fossil fuels? That's why I look at environmental issues and how politicians respond before casting my vote. Changing my individual habits in terms of energy consumption, car usage, etc would make exactly zero difference. It might make people feel better about themselves, and might satisfy skeptics that I take the issue seriously, but that doesn't actually solve the problem.

If you want to call me a hypocrite for not living in a cave, growing my own food, and selling my car, then fine. Then ask how me doing any of that solves the problem?

I've had solar panels for quite a while.

OR, do I have to get rid of my car, walk to the market to get food, change from computer programming to subsistence farming,

AND, of course, not waste electricity pointing out how wrong you are, in order to "be honest in your mind"?

Maybe the problem isn't one that half the population can solve, when the rest are polluting the atmosphere to their heart's content.

Maybe the problem is not the ones who complain, but all the folks who can see the same problem, but deny that exists.

Denialists are fools

The Latest ‘Cosmos’ Explains How Corporations Fund Science Denial-



Actually I do live that life style as much as I can. I have reduced my energy consumption a lot and looking to reduce it even further. It makes sense from both an economical and an ecological point of view.

Then again I suggest that people who label those who accept the scientific consensus as "cultist", are people who have no concept of how the real world works. One would think cultist who hate elected governments and/or taxation would have disconnected from the grid even if it was more expensive...

They are definitely hypocrites. President Obama takes many CO2 producing trips. Then tells us to cut back our CO2 generation. Al Gore preaches energy minimizing then has several houses and a private jet. One house in Tennessee consumes enough electricity for a medium sized city.

Their hypocrisy is unlimited.

Quote by Maurice Strong, a wealthy elitist and primary power behind UN throne, and large CO2 producer: "Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class - involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing - are not sustainable."

Notice that dear old Maurice does not include the Elites of the world, but dumb schlubs like the common person.

So you're advocating lying about science to avoid being deemed a hypocrite? That just makes you hypocritical and a liar.

Alarmists are the biggest hypocrites in the world. I think that most of them have been brainwashed into believing that man made CO2 is the bane of humanity. I don't think this entitles them to be hypocrites but I've noticed that they justify their hypocrisy because they believe that "getting the message out" for YOU to reduce YOUR carbon footprint is so important that they feel no obligation to reduce THEIRS.

Being hypocritical is never a good way to set an example, but it does not mean AGW is false, or that you and I shouldn't be making an effort.

They simply lack the will and courage to act on their convictions.

Are AGW true believers entitled to be hypocrites because it is too important that they care or is it that they really don't believe in what they are desperately trying to get others to believe in? I mean if AGW cultists truly believed in what they are claiming wouldn't they be the 1st people in the world to change their lifestyles to reflect their ideological beliefs? At least vegans and vegetarians do this until they burn out from it. How much credibility would an average person give to any AGW cultist true believer who doesn't conform to the very lifestyle they are demanding others be compelled to live?

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